Gamer Boy*

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"Keep playing that video game. I want to see if you can keep that focus while I suck your cock."

Harry's throat bobbed as he fiddled with the controller.

This was hard. Way harder than he realized it would be. With Y/N on her knees, his pants around his ankles, the game going on the screen in front of him, and the cursing and stupid smack talk from the guys on his head set, he was suddenly enveloped in a plushy, warm mouth and it all felt fuzzy.

His cheeks were slightly flushed, glasses a bit lower on his face than usual. His eyes were on the screen but a bit hazier than normal, making her feel a bubble of pleasure. She always distracted him, she was his favorite and he couldn't ever resist her mouth.

"Harry! Where the fuck are you?" He was snapped out of his bubble of pleasure as his name was called over the head set.

"S-Sorry, M'on level 3. Come find me up there."

It was hard to think about anything but the hot and wet suction on his cock. Especially when she dipped her head down a bit more and took it deeper into her mouth. Y/N's mouth was immaculate. Every time he got it, he was shocked at the fact that she was so eager to take it.

In contrast, Y/N loved sucking him off. Feeling the weight of his length on her tongue, the taste, adding in she must have some oral fixation... she was beyond eager to please him. His reactions were the best part though.

His jaw clenching and his stomach tensing when she got to a spot he particularly liked, or when he would curse under his breath and grip her hair firm. One of her favorites was when he would take control and fuck her mouth, lazily thrust his hips into her throat and make her gag a little bit. Taking that pleasure. That wasn't super often, but she loved it.

She pulled off of his cock and looked up at his face, his eyes on the screen and the clicking of buttons above her head. Her hand gripped him and she spit thickly on to the length, letting her fingers collect it and spread it all over the hot skin while her mouth suckled at the sensitive tip.

Harry groaned quietly, looking down for a moment to see her pretty eyes looking up at him and the soft soft of her slick hand moving on the length. It felt so fucking good. Especially knowing that she was, in theory, doing it without a care where people could hear.

"Are you alright Harry?" A voice came from his headset, irritating him from the distraction. He wanted to hear her mouth more but, he had promised this game.

"Mmm.. yeah? I'm good. Really good." He cleared his throat, leaning further back on the chair and spreading his thighs further so Y/N could scoot closer to his body. This delighted her, sinking her mouth down as he lowered his hands to rest on the back of her head. His controller was held between them, but he liked the contact.

Gently, he pushed her down a bit with the heels of his hand, encouraging her to take more. Obviously it was arousing the both of them, a soft whine coming against his cock as Y/N did as told and began to fully suck. Messily, bobbing her head up and down as the dribble dripped down his cock and towards his balls.

Y/N was focused on it, and Harry could feel the effort. Her lips dragging over the length, her sweet whimpers and letting herself be messy and drool all over his cock, the tongue lulling over the underside... safe to say this was heaven.

His breathing was heavier and he nudged the mic away from his face, head rolling against the back of the seat. The hot suction of her mouth over and over made his vision fuzzy. He got off on her delighted soft noises he didn't even think she was aware of making. Y/N genuinely enjoyed sucking him and that only made it better for him. Loving pleasing her and feeling her excitement as her hands explore him.

The burning in his stomach was rising, trying to focus on the chatter in his ear and the explosions on the screen but the sight in his lap was much more appealing to him. The glistening of her swollen lips as they moved up and down, seeing how wet she had gotten him with her spit and her fingers fixed around him, her lashes touching her sweet cheeks, it was the filthiest, most beautiful thing he got to see today.

"Fuck." He muttered under his breath, hips moving up and sinking deeper into her throat. The hand on his thigh tightened, a weak moan vibrating around his cock as he bit his lip and rolled his head back to avoid groaning loudly. The slick sound of her mouth and hand working him into one of the hottest places was getting him closer to his end.

"I'm- im almost done." He said out loud, eyes hazy and looking down at her. Of course his buddies thought it was for the game, but he was warning her as well. Orgasm bubbles in his stomach, balls full of cum for her and wet with her spit.

That's what she wanted.

Y/N looked up as she pulled off for a moment, speaking with her lips pursed against his tip. "In my mouth." She purred, dripping some more spit on to the already soaked length and letting him watch it drip down. "Want it in my mouth, baby." Her lips dragged over the slit, smearing his arousal and her own wetness over her mouth. The tip was sucked into it, eyes lazily looking up at him and seeing his fucked out face.

Harry was flushed, jaw clenched tight and glasses a bit foggy. They were promptly pushed up into his hair ,as he wanted an unobstructed view of her, the hand around him making a filthy click with each wet pass. He truly was fucking gorgeous, and Y/N knew she was a lucky bitch for getting to be the only one to see it.

Keeping her voice down, she pulled off of him again with a gentle 'pop' sound, shifting on her knees.

"Please, cum f'me, baby." She cooed, stroking fast. Hand twisting just so, his hips bucking into it as his mouth fell open. "Want it all over my tongue, Daddy. You've been so nice, lettin' me suck you while you play your own game. I want my reward for being good and patient."

The whimpery tone was something that sent him over the edge many times, and she knew that. Y/N could feel him pulsing in her hand, pushing her mouth down and taking him as deep as she could, bobbing her head a few times and feeling smug when he let out a growl of arousal.

The other players thought it was of frustration, but Harry threw down his controller and grabbed a handful of her hair. Pushing his hips up as he felt the sweet bubble of heat rise.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck."

Y/N let her mouth be used, happy that she got him to break in this little game. Her mouth was better than any game, and he was to be reminded of it. She choked a bit on him, eyes tearing up as he thrust into her mouth and his thigh went rigid under her hand.

"Shit." His hiss and the throb of his cock clued her in, pulling back slightly as he began to cum. The bubble popped, making the heat wash through his whole body as he let go.

Y/N was his good girl, catching the tip with her lips and letting the stream coat her tongue. Her wet eyes looking up at him a bit wild but ultimately satisfied, moaning against him as it was given to her. Her tongue ran over the tip, hand continuing to stroke and get every drop she could before pulling off.

Harry was already gone, but when she looked up at him and opened her mouth... he was wrecked. Seeing the pool of cum in her mouth, he twitched in her palm and let out another stream of curses. He knew what she was waiting for.

Pushing the mic away, he leaned forward and tilted her chin slightly, gathering up some spit and letting it drip into her mouth. Her thighs clenched as she felt it hit her tongue and his knuckle urged her mouth closed, palm stroking her cheek as he urged her to swallow.

When she did, he grinned lazily and pulled her up to kiss him, not at all shy about running his tongue into her mouth and tasting himself.

Ignoring the buzzing coming from the headset, he pulled her into his lap. "God. I fucking love you." He laughed out breathily, stroking his thumb under her chin and wiping away any residual wetness. Her mouth caught it, sucking it into her swollen lips before pulling back to smooth his hair and place the glasses back on his face gently.

"Mm. I love you too. But you better get back to your game. Think you're winning."

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