Ex lover's kiss*

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The air was tense.

Y/N and Harry had broken up a year ago, and the terms.... We're not great. Harry had been busier at work and he hadn't made proper time to spend with her. It was his fault, and he knew that. But she also hadn't told him, she hadn't communicated she felt neglected and he had assumed she was fine. Starting his own tattoo shop, he had been working later nights and spending time as he figured out how to run a business.

Y/N was so supportive, she loved that he was getting his dream to come true. But... she also was aware there were things he was doing that weren't necessary. His attitude got bad the more he stressed and it all exploded one night at the shop. Forgetting their dinner reservation, he had been buried in his designs when she stomped in with tears down her cheeks and a gorgeous blue dress hugging her body. Dropping her key to his place, she attempted to break it off there.

It had been a large fight, both had said some things they didn't really mean but wanted to hurt the other so they could get a taste of the others pain. It ended with a smashed wall from Harry's fist and Y/N storming out with a broken heart.

The problem was, their friends still ran in the same circle. Everyone had been shocked at their. Breakup because... Harry and Y/N were perfect for each other. They had been perfect together and no one saw it coming. Still, their friends didn't choose sides though they made sure each knew that.

Theyd managed to avoid each other mostly. All until now. The kitchen at Tyler's house, a passing comment making both of them bristle and hushed argument commence.

"Would you fucking grow up, Harry?" Y/N hissed. He got under her skin so fucking badly. "Seriously. I don't understand why you need to make these little quips. Especially about my friend." She had come with a coworker who was taken shelter outside the kitchen, not wanting to deal with the aftermath of it all.

Harry was jealous.

Still, to this day. He didn't like the idea of Y/N with anyone else. It burned his blood, knowing someone else could possibly be touching her or thinking they knew her when they didn't. No know knew his Y/N like he did.

"Why? Why I'm making these little quips?" He laughed humorlessly, stepping closer to her. The jealousy was boiling over, his hand grabbing her chin as he backed her up into the counter. "Y'don't know? That's rich. Coming in here... flaunting around a boy toy. Even after seeing me? As if I'm supposed to just... accept that?" He sneered, shaking his head.

"We aren't together! I'm not flaunting anything. I came with a coworker. Who's a hell of a lot nicer to me than you are." She hissed, pushing at his chest but to no avail. Harry wasn't going to let up, her works making him snarl.

"Oh? He's nicer, is he?" He rolled his eyes. "He gives you what you want? Everything?" His tone was smug, making her eyes light up in anger. Before she could retort he was continuing. "He gives you the sweet words in your ear, hm? Does he bore you? Because we both know you like the dirty things. You like to be used and fucked like a pretty little slut. And you like big cock. I don't think his can stretch you quite like mine can." He was being cocky, arrogant, and god if it didn't make her cunt weep.

"Shut. Up." Her hiss was angry, wanting to claw at him but... she couldn't. Not when he was right.

"No. M'not. Because Ive let this go on too long, and you've seemed to forgotten just who you belong to." His fingers tangled in the hair behind her head and firmly tugged it back for her to look up at him. "You're mine. You've always been mine. It doesn't matter who you've talked to. Who you've been with. You belong to me, only." His hoarse voice was only for her to hear.

"I bet if I dipped my fingers into those panties, slid my hand up this slutty whore skirt, I'll find my pussy dripping through the fabric. Because you like when I handle you this way, and your body hasn't forgotten who it belongs to." He kept his eyes on hers, doing exactly as he threatened. Fingers tugging up the skirt without a care of anyone walking on.

As soon as his fingers his the fabric, her eyes clenched shut and an overly smug, cocky look came on his face. "Soaked. Fucking drenched." He pressed the digits against the girl's cunt, sighing happily. "Just as I knew it would be. Regardless of who you try and distract yourself with... just know that we both are aware of what a joke it is. You're mine, and you always will be."

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