Make it fit*

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.... Wolfrry. Like no discussion. Shorter but still 👀

TW/ Breeding kink, size kink, alpha, condescending

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"Aw... M'not sure it'll fit, pup."

Y/N whined in her throat, pouting up at her man. Harry liked to tease her. He was just... a little fucker that way, but god did he make it hot. Being an Alpha, he had that natural dominance. The ease of commanding a room, and in turn, his mate.

Sometimes Y/N likes to pretend she was in charge. But any and everyone knew that Harry was the one who ran it. She ran his emotions and held his heart, absolutely. Harry had everything else.

"You're just so small down there. And you know that my cock is just a bit too big. Hurts a little whenever I try to push in." He dragged the dripping tip up the soaked slit, watching her arousal coat the length. He never could get enough of the sight. Her cunt was small and he knew it was a struggle to get him inside, even now.

"I can do it, promise." She panted, looking with moony eyes. Nothing got her going quite like her mate taunting her. "Please, Alpha?" Her pretty lips sat back in her pout, falling open in a gasp as she felt his warm spit hit her pussy.

"I dunno, pet. I don't want to hurt you too badly." Harry smeared the spit all around, satisfied in the slight claim. The mess of it all. Her smell filled the room and it made his body go into overdrive. To fuck her, claim her, breed her. But for now he was going to make her desperate.

"Y'see this?" Two fingers spread her open as he made a soft clicking sound with his tongue. Realistically, he was near salivating as he watched his tip run over the small entrance. "See how tiny it is? Cant imagine how you're going to take such a big cock. You'll feel it in your tummy. I can't imagine such a good little girl wanting that..."

"I do! I do, Alpha- please, please, I want it in my tummy. I want it to hurt, I want it to be inside of me." Her squirming was stopped by his cock slapping against her swollen clit, gaining another gasp from her slick mouth.

"Now, now. Calm down, pretty girl. My beautiful Angel... I just want to be so gentle with you. Because... it'll fill you all the way up. You know that, right? S'gonna stretch you open, burn a bit. You'll have to lay there and feel your precious little pussy stretch slowly open to take my cock. And once m'in, M'not stopping...." He warned, thumbing over her clit. Her hips bucked into his hand, making him sigh. She was so fucking beautiful.

"Yes, that's what I want. I want it all. Know it's big, but I can take it. I'll be good. Promise." Her back arched up into his thumb that was circling her clit, making her head fall back and a sweet, sweet moan leave her throat. Just seeing her throat bared like that, the ultimate sign of submission- paired with the begging- did something wild to him.

"You better hope you can, angel." He snarled, lining himself up at her entrance. "Because M'not stopping until you're full and bred."

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