Stretched out*

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Warnings: anal sex, degradation slightly, daddy

Kinda short 😀


"Look at you, stretched out and trembling."

He watched as his cock slowly worked into her ass. Her sweet little ass he had been obsessed with. It was gorgeous, a perfect fit for his palm, and it felt even better inside of it. He had been dying to get into her ass again since the last few times and finally, he had his chance.

Her body trembled under him as he thrust at a steady and slow pace. It was all wet, messy from her mouth and his, and he was obsessed with the sight. "Wish y'could see how pretty your ass looks stretched out by my cock, darling girl." He cooed. "Looks so filthy, but so beautiful. You're a mess underneath me but you just lay there and take it." He sighed happily, hand cominf down and spreading her open further. He spit thickly over the stretched hole and used his fingers to rub it in, smirking as she whimpered and trembled underneath him.

Face down, ass up, she was a vision. His hand possessively holding her ass while the other held her waist comfortingly, he began to pick up the pace.

"S'so fucking tight, baby. You're so good for me. Giving me these right little holes to fuck and dump my cum in." He praised. "This one is becoming my favorite though. Don't get too mouthy with me when I'm stuffing my cock into your ass." She was mouthy all other times but when she was being fucked like this, she was a mess of whines and need. It was still a newer sensation to her and a bit overwhelming.

"Uh huh. S'good. Like it." She whispered dreamily, cunt dripping as he rocked further into her ass. "Love your cock anywhere." He managed to make her a mess any time of year. And he loved it. She usually held all the power over him. But right here? Right now? It was all him.

"I know you do. You were born for this, my sweet girl. Born to take cock in these holes." He thrust a bit harder, making her yelp. He paused, bur found her gripping the sheet. A telltale sign she liked it. So he did it again. And again. The yelps of her bleeding into moans, her body shaking on his cock as he found the perfect spot, perfect angle.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, Daddy more. More." She begged as his balls slapped against her clit, sticky with her creamy arousal. Over and over he gave it to her, making her sob out in pleasure while he took her. The perfect match, he knew they'd always be.

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