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There was nothing that she could compare it to. Really... in all her relationships, she hadn't been this invested in any of the men. More specifically, their cocks.

Of course, when Y/N met Harry, she knew that he was different. It was immediate. He was charming, kind, so fucking attractive it almost hurt, and he had the magical quality about him that made him just shine. How she got lucky enough to gain his interest? She had no clue. However, she did. He pursued her and they'd been dating for a bit now.

When they first started out they'd decided to go slow. There was a genuine connection and amazing chemistry so they wanted to figure that out first. The first month or so was kissing, cuddling... that sort of stuff. Honestly? They'd fallen in love very quickly and became nearly inseparable. It was the sleepovers that started it.

Getting close to this level was something she craved. Waking up in his arms, having her clothes around his place and his favorite alcoholic seltzer's in her fridge just felt right. Kissing before they left to do their daily things and then coming to one another's places to shower and watch television before they repeated it was a domestic heavenly bliss that made her happy beyond belief. But... something was missing.

See... she was curious. Curious was putting it lightly of course but she was very aware of the rumors. Harry's friends openly joked about how big he was and he accepted it. A tiny smirk and a shrug, saying it wasn't his fault being nude felt free. But she hadn't seen him naked yet! She didn't know the joke that people would nudge her for and tell her she was blessed to have him and asking about how he was in bed, how she managed that. It made her irritated. Everyone else knew how big her boyfriend was besides her.

It came down to Harry trying to be respectful of her, knowing she wasn't wanting to rush. But one fateful morning, she had felt it up against her ass. And her life had changed. It sounds dramatic- and it is! It reallt is. She knew that. But a few days after that, after constant thinking about it, the subject was brought up and they'd agreed to go a bit faster.

The first time she saw his cock? It was a bit like love at first sight. It was... utterly perfect. Just thinking about it made her mouth water. Groomed just enough, smooth, and fucking big. In all sense of the word. She hadn't loved giving head before but now.... Y/N was obsessed with it.

Laying between his legs, it was earlier in the morning on their off day. She had settled herself there after they woke up and Harry knew right away what she was doing. It always made him smile a bit smug because no one else had it like this. The both of them equally as obsessed as each other, and their pleasure. Y/N loved to suck him off, and who was he to say no? She was fucking phenomenal at it.

His hand gently moved the hair out of her fair as she pressed kisses up the side of him. He was half hard bur growing by the minute, unable to help it when he had the most beautiful person in the world between his legs. "It's so pretty, H." She murmured, pressing a soft peck to the base. Her hands were incredibly soft and she kept them that way, holding him in her palm.

"Y'think, angel?" He murmured. Always a sucker for praise, this was right up his alley and he couldn't complain.

"Mhm. Prettiest ever. I love it." She licked slowly up from the base, dragging her wet tongue up to the tip. Resting her lips against it, she gathered spit in her mouth and began to lightly drool it on him, hand catching some and spreading it down. He twitched in her hand, a groan of lust coming from the man. He loved when she did this. Harry was a sucker for a sloppy blow job. He thrived with it all. So she had learned exactly how he liked it.

"M'so happy you think so." Voice thick with sleep still, he propped the pillow up so he could enjoy the show a bit more. "Feels so good every time y'do this. So lucky." He let her hair back, gently scratching her scalp as he took in her eyes that were a bit dark with her own arousal.

"Yeah... I always want it in my mouth. Sometimes it waters jus' thinking about it, H." Her admission was soft, placing now sticky, wet kisses over the side of his length. "It's so big. Feels so amazing in my mouth. I love every bit of it n'You." Her hand came up to cup his balls, Harry hissing in surprise and pleasure. She knew what to do to have his eyes rolling back and his body bucking up.

"Yeah? What else do you think?" His voice was weaker, but he wanted to hear more. The praise went straight to his cock. Watching her lips simply rub against the side and go down, down, right to his balls? Heavenly. Her mouth opened up, sticking her tongue back out and running through the seam. Ever so gently taking one between her lips, she sucked lightly.

His brows furrowed and mouth dropped, a deep moan spilling out. She was Unafraid to go places other people wouldn't with him, fearless as long as it pleasured him. No lover could compare to this type of shit, and Harry was well aware of that. Y/N lost herself in him, loving to worship his cock and make him feel like a king. All her love and attraction towards him.

"Fuck me... Baby doll, that's fuckin' amazing." He licked his lips, watching her seemingly in her own world of focus. It was gentle but dirty, pulling off with a slight tug and 'pop' sound and paying attention to the other, making his toes curl. "Shit. Y'just don't care, do you? Jus' want my cock in your mouth."

Her hazy eyes looked up and she hummed in agreement. That was true. It didn't matter where or where, she would take him down her throat or into her hand and spend hours playing with him. Her hand was stroking and her mouth suckling at him, popping off the other when she felt a bit more greedy. This time she fully spit on to the head of his cock, spreading it around messily with her fist. "Just love it. Fills me up in any hole... makes me feel so good. The most perfect cock in the whole world n'I want to make you feel good."

He swore he could see hearts in her eyes as she lazily tapped the tip against the flat of her tongue. With a bit of urging from his hand, she began to sink her head down slightly and take half into her mouth. Harry's head fell back with a loud growl, the wet and warm mouth making a beautiful mess around him. Her lips suctioned to him, and she pulled up, and then going back down. Truly sucking him, and he was a goner. He never was able to last too long when it came to this. Just seeing the pure adoration for him and his cock was enough to send the praise driven man to ecstasy.

"That's exactly it, darling. Fucks sake... I'm close." He warned, though they both knew she wasn't going to pull off. She went a bit deeper, the slight gagging noises and wetness of her hand spurring him over the edge. There was no need to tell her he was cumming, as she knew far too well now that he was.

Y/N hummed in pleasure as she took the load down her throat, trying to milk him for every drop she could. Listening to his moans of pleasure and curses as he held her head down, her cunt throbbed when he told her to "Take it all, my good girl." The ribbons shooting down her throat, she was thoroughly disappointed when it was done, gasping wetly as she pulled up. With a gentle kiss to the tip, her pout Intensified. She wasn't done.

"Can I have more?"

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