author's note / official apology

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Hey...... Soooooooooo...... It's been a while..... "Around 8 months" kind of while.....

I'm sorry. I really have no excuse for this one other than lack of inspiration, and my mental state hasn't really been the best as of the last month. I'm in the middle of a huge writer's block, and I'm not sure when I'm gonna be able to get back to writing anything for myself...

It's not just this fic that's getting the "low inspiration treatment" either. I've got the same thing going for my Avengers sequel, my Red Dead fic, and the Harry Potter fic that's been in planning stages for the past two months. Though, this is the only one getting a note to you guys, because I think you guys deserve this one after waiting for so long.

I just shifted from my anxiety-ridden, tear-inducing summer job back to my usual one, and I start school for the fall semester in a few days. But it's still only a part-time job, and I'm only taking two classes, so I'm hoping that getting into a new routine may help with writing stuff.

I don't think I'm officially putting any of my works on hiatus just yet, but I still wanted to apologize for leaving all of you hanging for so long. I'm probably gonna spend some time re-watching the first few seasons, or maybe rereading this fic, so that I can get back into the swing of things. It may be a while before I post anything, but I promise I haven't abandoned you, and I will be back!

Thank you for understanding, and for sticking with me for this long. I hope you are all doing well. I'll be back before you know it!

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