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"Passion and Royalty, finish up your breakfast so that I can take you both to school." I stressed. "You two are moving too slow this morning, and you know I don't like that."

"Baby, it's okay, calm down. If you need to go, just go and I'll take them to school." Jason suggested as he wrapped his arms around me.

✋🏽😡 "Did you even brush your teeth and wash your face before trying to kiss me?" I asked.

Jason smacked his lips. "Yes. I did Yomi. It's 630 in the morning. Why are you acting like this? I'm just trying to show you some love and attention before you head out to work baby. That's all I am trying to do."

I did a 360 turn. "You see this house? The kids? My ring? Yourself? I know that I am loved. I don't need you proving that to me, especially not every single day. Now back to you two. You both are taking too long. Your father can drop you off, since y'all are moving slow, and since he is determined to do something around here. Love you all and have a great day." I grabbed my keys and walked hastily out to my 2023 Tahoe.

"Kila siku. Ninaumwa na hili." (Every single day. I'm sick of this). I fussed in Swahili.

I was born in Kenya. Moved to the states when I was about 13 or 14. I grew up speaking Swahili, but my family was wealthy. My dad hired a nanny that spoke Swahili as well as English.

I grew up knowing I would be successful. There was no other way to be. I graduated at the top of my high school class. Straight A's from middle school up. Went on to college and received a Bachelor's in Sociology. Then I received a Master's in Political Science. I also have an Associates in Accounting.

If you aren't born into money or getting money, why are we even having a conversation? That's always been my mindset, and truthfully that will never change.

My thoughts were interrupted when I looked at the dash and noticed my husband was calling. I answered the phone. "Whaaaaaat? I just left the house. What is it?" I don't think he realizes how much he annoys me.

"Baby, I was just going to remind you that the girls had cheer practice tonight."

"If you are telling me, that means I forgot. Which means, you should be able to take them."

"I was working over tonight. I told you we have new equipment coming in."

"That's not my problem, you can afford to miss, I can't. If I miss money, could you pick up the slack?"

He exhaled. "Fine. I'll work something out."

"Great, don't call me again, unless someone is dying." I ended the call.

"What a lame."


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