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After the girls did what needed to be done for school, they played out back until dinner.

They assisted me with spaghetti and garlic bread. I figured I would do something light for tonight since I'm still learning them.

Jason had called to see if he could stay at work a little later, in which I didn't mind.

"Hey ladies. I was thinking." I smiled.

"About what?" Royalty asked.

"I know you two are getting ready for bed, but would you two like to watch a movie with me?"

"We don't have to go to bed right now?" Royalty asked.

"Not at all. You don't have school tomorrow. So what do you all think?"

"I would love that. I can pop some popcorn for us." Passion suggested.

"Sounds even better." I smiled. "Ro, since Passion is going to pop the popcorn. Would you like to pick the movie?"

"Oh God." Passion said. "I already know what movie she is going to pick." She laughed.

"What is it?" Royalty asked with her hands on her hip.

"Either Soul, The Emoji Movie or Cheetah Girls."

"Hey what's wrong with those movies?" I laughed. "I love alllllll of them."

"Not you too. Looks like I'll have to be the adult and babysit." Passion rolled her eyes in a jokingly manner.

I couldn't help but laugh.

What's not to love about these two?

I went to the bathroom did my face care routine and then put my bonnet on. Moments later I was enjoying The Cheetah Girls movie with my new two favorite ladies.


I looked up and both girls were asleep. I packed them one by one and tucked them in bed.

Yes even the oldest.

I then went back to the living room and cleaned up the mess.

Jason walked through the door. "I am sooooo sorry." He said. "I don't want you thinking I was taking advantage of you. Work..."

"Shhhhhhh. It's okay. I promise I'm not upset. Go take a shower. I'll warm dinner up for you and you can tell me about your day."

Jason looked at me confused. "Are you sure?"

"Go." I smiled. "I'll be right here."

Jason disappeared.

I took this time to straighten up the mess that the girls and I made. I cleaned the dishes by hand. Yeah they had a dishwasher, but I rather clean by hand.

I warmed up Jason's food and grabbed him a beer. Not sure if he needed it, but I saw one in the fridge, so I thought I would offer.

"Hey you." Jason smiled.

"Come sit." I smiled as I pointed to the table. "What do you like with your spaghetti?"

"Honestly nothing." He laughed. "I love spaghetti plain."

"No ranch or added cheese?" I laughed.

"Not at all."

"Wow, noted. Would you like a beer?" I asked with the cold beer in my hand.

His eyes lit up. "Yes please. I'm not a heavy drinker. I only drink when the girls are asleep."

"Noted as well. Tell me about your day." I asked. I decided to make a plate of salad to at least allow Jason to have someone to eat with. Although I already ate with the girls.

"New equipment came in. Which is a blessing, but trying to find a decent amount of time to place everything, while still working is challenging. One of my morning receptionists put their two week notice in. Nothing on our part, she's just young. She has decided to move out of town. I told her she could always use me as a job reference. So yeah, it's been a little busy. I have to find a morning receptionist."

"I mean, I don't mind to help. Long as I'm off by 2 so I can be available for the girls."

"You don't have to do that." Jason said.

"I know, but I really don't mind."

"I really appreciate you. Working for us, you will have free access to gym whenever the doors are opened."

"I love free, but we can discuss that when you're ready." I smiled. "After you eat, are you going to bed?"

"Probably so. I'll have to get up with the girls."

"Don't worry about the girls. I have them. Turn your alarm off and get you some much needed sleep."

"Thank you so much."

"I do want to pass you this note." I slid the note across the table.

He began to read the note from Passion's teacher.

"What the hell? I didn't know Passion was acting out at school. I'm definitely going to talk to her. I'm sorry."

"I already talked to her. I gave her my number as well. Just relax. Stop being so uptight." I smiled as I collected both of our dirty dishes and proceeded to wash them. "She's dealing with a lot. I feel like we have built somewhat of a bond. I believe things will get better now."

"I sure do hope so. I really do. But hey, I'm glad you accepted my job offer."

"I'm glad you chose me. Now go to bed and I'll see you in the morning." I smiled.

"Okay. If you need anything..."

"Goodnight J." I laughed.

"Goodnight." He laughed.


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