Chapter 31

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Chevir gets into action

After Seville left, Li Zhou looked at the suddenly empty villa, and suddenly felt a sense of loneliness.

He found that in just a few days, he had become more and more comfortable with the current life, and with the presence of Sheville in life. As soon as Seville left, he felt a little lonely.

"Maybe this is what it feels like to be in love. No wonder they say that if you don't see each other for one day, it's like three autumns. The ancients honestly don't deceive me."

Sighing, putting away his lost thoughts, Li Zhou flashed into the space, preparing to spend the time without Xavier in the space.

Because the space is connected to his senses, he can feel the change of the space better than anyone else. When he brought Seville and Duke in today, he found that the land of the space expanded a lot, and the species became richer.

In the original space, in addition to the crops he planted, there were also flowers, grasses, trees, fungi, medicinal materials and other plants.

But the species is relatively single, and the animals are only pheasants, wild ducks and other birds, and there are no large animals.


A variety of fish appeared in the rivers and lakes, and fruit trees appeared in the woods at the foot of the mountain.

Li Zhou closed his eyes and carefully felt the changes in the space. He now believes what his ancestors wrote in the exercises. This space may really become a small world by itself, and everything that appears now is It is an evolution in the direction of species diversity and restrained relationships between organisms.

Although the evolution time may be very long, and now it is only a prototype, but Li Zhou believes that as long as he keeps practicing, the space will be more prosperous.

Looking at the endless, bare and only a few lush fields in front of him, he decided that today when Xavier was away, he would farm the fields and mix the time.

Fortunately, he left a lot of seeds when he harvested the grain before, otherwise the seeds he saved would not be enough.

Walking towards the agricultural machinery, Li around thinking, should get an aircraft and put it in the space. Otherwise, the space will become larger and larger, and the signal will be isolated. There is no way to set up the agricultural machinery work remotely. It will be too tiring to walk over every time, and it will waste time.

Also, the small and medium-sized agricultural machinery can no longer meet his needs, and he needs larger agricultural machinery for farming.

Remembering the few star coins he had left, Li Zhou choked for a moment. He wanted to wait for Xavier to come back today, so he had to talk business with Xavier as soon as possible.

It's not that he is so noble that he doesn't need Xavier's money and doesn't eat soft food, but when he can support himself, he doesn't want to use Xavier's assets.

He wanted to let Xavier, who had been struggling all by himself, have a taste of being spoiled and supported by him.

Although he has not asked Duke about Xavier, but from Xavier's performance and words, there are also Xavier's male father and female father who did not appear when they got married. I feel that, apart from the teacher, Duke, and the like-minded worms, Xievir has no close worms.

He guessed that Xavier lived alone when he was very young. It is very likely that he had a bad childhood. degree.

He wanted to make Xavier feel the warmth in him that he had never felt before. The thought of Xavier's happy smile made him full of energy.

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