Chapter 65

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Casey: Xavier, I want to PK with you!

The soundproofing of the clubhouse is actually very good, but Lan Yite shouted so loudly just now that Jorvik, who was playing next door, was listening.

No fun."

The female raised her head and looked at him with a wink, and said, "Not all insects can be as sentimental as your Excellency."

"Really? Hahaha!" Jorvik laughed and pulled the female on the ground into his arms, squeezed the female's chin and kissed it, before rolling on the bed Don't forget to instruct the idle female in the room to go to Li Zhou's box to have a look, and come back and tell him if there is anything wrong.

The female responded in a low voice, and without daring to delay, she turned and left the room.

Afraid of disturbing Li Zhou and killing herself, the female turned around and left without turning her head, thinking in her mind how to answer Jorvik's question as she walked.

At this time, in the box.

Li Zhou held a glass of water expressionlessly, waiting for Lan Yi to finish the performance to moisten his throat. He found that the worms under Casey were really worms, and Lan Yi was capable of ventriloquism. Open his eyes.

Not only can you imitate the voice and tone of other insects, but you can also switch between them freely, without being stiff at all, just close your eyes, it will definitely make you feel like you are there.

He was a little embarrassed at first, but after listening for a while, he felt ashamed and no longer felt ashamed.

On the contrary, I think Lan Yi is really powerful, no wonder she can save her life and pass the news in this kind of place and this system.

At this moment, he noticed the movement in the corridor, and gave Lan Yi a wink, Lan Yi understood, cried out louder, and added a lot of meat to himself It makes this all-false affair even more real.

Lan Yi, who had been calling for a long time, was also thirsty, drank a glass of water, leaned on the sofa, and laughed in a hoarse voice: "Your Highness, you can't do it, can I? While performing a full martial arts show for you, you have no reaction at all?"

Li Zhou glanced at Lan Yi, who was addicted to teasing him, and calmly said, "You don't need to test me, I won't betray Xavier."

Hearing Li Zhou say this, Lan Yi put away his hilarious expression, smiled slightly, and said, "How do you know that I am testing you? Instead of trying to seduce you? After all—"

Lan Yi's painting style changed and became charming again, he straightened up, looked at Li Zhou with a wink, and said, "It's so hard to find such a pure and beautiful little male. , maybe I'll be just as good as yours?"

Li Zhou smiled, he did not answer Lan Yi, but instead asked: "Xavier is your idol, right? Knowing that he is married and married to a male who has never heard of it. At that time, did you have the urge to kill that male?"

Lane: ".."

Awkward, he did have this thought, so when he saw Li Zhou coming here, his first reaction was anger.

Admiral is so good, but his hero is still not satisfied. He came here to find flowers and ask willows. Fortunately, the boss also said that he is different from other males. In his opinion, all males in the world are the same disgusting .

But when he saw Li Zhou, he changed his mind. Li Zhou is indeed different from other males. Li Zhou came here not for fun, but for the general.

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