Chapter 40

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Brian: Am I being shown by these two things?

After resting in Li Zhou's arms for a while, Xavier felt that his energy had recovered a lot. He knew that it was Li Zhou who combed his mental power for him when he was resting, so that he could recover so quickly.

He lay in Li Zhou's arms, did not get up immediately, felt Li Zhou's regular heartbeat, raised his head to look at Li Zhou's beautiful eyes, and said softly: "I'm hungry, but I don't want to get up yet. ."

Li Zhou smiled dotingly, looked at the rare boyish Xavier, and said softly: "Then don't get up, I will let Xiaoyi bring the food to the coffee table, and we will eat on the coffee table."

He said, summoned the housekeeping machine, and asked him to bring the food he put in the warmer.

Sheville looked at the back of the housekeeping machine leaving and couldn't help laughing. He really felt that Li Zhou was too gentle, and actually named a lifeless machine.

Rubbing against Li Zhou's arms, she said lazily, "You named it, did you name the agricultural machinery in the space?"

Li Zhou touched his nose awkwardly. He did even name the agricultural machinery in the space.

Thinking that Xavier thought he was naive, he explained carefully: "I'm not naive, but I just found that it's faster, or I have to call their model for voice input."

Xevier nodded, agreeing with Li Zhou's statement: "You are right, but the space is too large, if you call them, they will not hear. When the aircraft arrives, I will teach you to fly."

He seemed to think of something, he pursed his lips, and said: "There is a housekeeping machine called Xiaowu in my apartment, I will go back in the afternoon and bring it here. Also—I think Can you sell that little apartment?"

"Sure, that's yours, you can decide for yourself."

Looking at Xavier's glittering eyes, Li Zhou lowered his head slightly against Xavier's forehead, winked at him mischievously, and said mysteriously: "Actually, I have long wanted to You sold that little apartment."

Seeing Xavier's doubts, he smiled and said: "Because of this, even if we quarrel, you can only go home, go back to our home."

"Okay, back to our house."

Xevier looked at the person who was close at hand, Li Zhou's pair of green eyes that fascinated him the most, moved closer little by little, and Li Zhou took a warm one with an orange Flavored kiss.

When the two worms were separated, the housekeeping machine had been conscientiously serving the meals.

Touching Xavier's hair, Li Zhou gently said: "Let's have dinner, I'll accompany you back to the apartment in a while, and pack up all your things. In the afternoon, you accompany me into the space, I will take you to relax."

Sheville nodded obediently, got up from Li Zhou's arms, and walked towards the bathroom. When he came out, he became the general of the empire who made the whole empire feel secure.

He was sitting on the sofa eating the porridge that Li Zhousheng gave him, and told Li Zhou how to reasonably take out the food in the space last night.

"I think of these three methods temporarily, do you have any good methods?"

Li Zhou shook his head: "You have already thought very comprehensively. I would like to hear your opinion on which plan is the best."

Sheville put down the tableware and pondered: "Actually, I prefer to cooperate with Brian, it's just..."

"What's the matter?" Seeing Xavier's trouble, Li Zhou asked curiously, "Why, you have a holiday?"

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