Chapter 11

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'Your room number is 600, sixth floor.' I say after inputting both names in the computer. Mrs. Rose Fletcher, I have no idea who this lady is. 'Enjoy your stay at the Hilton. If you require anything further, feel free to call the front desk.' I say with my fakest smile.

350 pounds for his one-night stand. Why? Is this revenge? How does he know I am working here? Maybe he doesn't. Maybe this isn't revenge. Maybe he is trying to move forward.

Before they disappear from my visual field, he stares at me for some seconds. Ten minutes later the telephone on the desk is ringing. His voice. That deep and calm tone.

'I would like to have champagne and strawberries, room number 600, please. Thank you.'

Let the game begin.

Right after leaving work, I decide to call Candice even it's after 23pm. I know she's awake, she never goes to sleep before 1am. She picks up the phone after the second beep.

'Candice, your future brother-in-law is a jerk. I thought I should let you know.' She giggles at my statement.

'I knew that before. But why are you telling me this now?'

'Because Mr. Sheeran came with Mrs. Rose Fletcher to the hotel I'm working in. I have no idea how he has found out about that. Did you tell him??

'Nope, neither did Matthew. It must be a coincidence. Just a question, Karlie. Are you jealous?'

'What?? NO! It just bothers me that he brings his chicks to the hotel I'm working in and then he asked for champagne, can you believe it? Did you know something about Ed going out and about with this girl?'

'No. But you are definitely jealous. You don't have to admit it. But maybe we can do something about it...what about this pacific revenge thing? Like trying to cause jealousy. Just to see how Ed reacts.'

'You are such a bad bitch, but you know that I love your idea.' I say with a bright smile on my face without knowing why this is making my blood boiling.


'I'm not ready for this.' I say to Candice while driving to John and Imogen's place. We are going to celebrate Acker's birthday all the family together having a barbecue. A few friends that we have in common are coming as well.

'Karlie, you need to believe it. You look fucking stunning girl. Just try to have fun, smile, dance and do whatever you want to do. Show him that you can have fun without him.'

'What if he comes with the chick?'

'He's not. Matthew told me. He still doesn't want Acker to know about it.'

'Okay, let's do it.' I say trying to sound convinced.

Most of the people are already there, even my son. We ring the bell and it is Imogen who opens the door. I hug her and give her a kiss on the cheek. This lady always with that bright smile. No matter what. Candice gives her the cake we have brought to put it in the fridge and we walk towards the garden in which the barbecue is taking place.

The first I see is my son running in my direction. I pick him up and start giving him kisses all over his face and tell him happy birthday a few times. Then we keep walking where all the crowd is. Everyone is seated on those white sofas, where Ed and I had sex few years ago. That's when I see him. He's wearing a black T-shirt with a kind of denim shirt. I'm wearing a white blouse that he likes, in fact, I remember him telling me it was his favourite. We make eye contact. He's drinking beer and smoking with some friends. I get close to the group and start greeting them, leaning a bit for shorts hugs. I can feel the tension as I'm getting closer where Ed is. Everyone there knows about our break up. He gets away the hand with which he's holding the cigarette. I give him the shortest hug, touching briefly his shoulder with my hand to keep the balance and not falling to the floor. Unavoidably, I smell the cologne he is wearing. One Million.

After drinking a beer with our friends, catching up, telling jokes and laughing. I decide to help Imogen with the food for the barbecue, mainly because I need to stay away from Ed. I need to keep myself busy.

'Dear, are you listening to me?'

'So-sorry. What were you saying?'

'What's wrong in that clever mind?'

'Everything is perfect Imogen, don't worry. I was just imagining about Acker's opening his presents, he's going to love them.' I lie. 'I need to go to the toilet before setting the table. Be right back.'

I use this moment to text Candice.

Karlie: Girl, can you come to the bathroom upstairs?

Minutes later, she knocks the door and opens it.

'I didn't know you like now these lesbians mo-'

'I'm not sure about carrying on with this. I mean trying Ed to be jealous. Right now, I don't see the point in this. He's ignoring me.'

'I think you wanted to show him that he can't toy with you like that. Did you receive any other letter recently?'

'Yes. But I haven't opened it yet.'

'What a jerk...he sends you those letters while he's shagging that...I'm sorry. Go and show him that he can't play with you. Nothing piss of more a man than seeing his ex hooking up with another man. Specially Ed, who's quite possessive. There's still something between you both and you know it. It going to be always like that. It's a fact. But if you don't feel comfortable doing this, you don't have to. Now let's go. We have something important to celebrate.'

I nod and we go downstairs to set the table and putting some music on. I shred the meat on a dish for Acker and start eating from my plate. Ed keeps ignoring me, he's still drinking beer, he must have drink three or so. Later that afternoon we give Acker his presents after the cake. Then he goes to play with the other kids running around the garden. I'm pretty sure about the wish he has asked for. I know he isn't happy at all and it breaks my heart.

Candice tries to liven up the party when she starts dancing in her weird way. I keep myself in the same place, seated on the chair, watching all the people there. Suddenly I feel someone patting me on my left shoulder. I look up, being surprised of who is.

'Shall I have this dance?' Peter says trying to sound completely serious. He's a very good friend of us and also very attractive.

'You know I don't know how to dance. I do it with two left feet'

'And so do I, but this is just about having fun, not dancing like pros.' I giggle and stand up to get closer where all our friends are. We both start "dancing" or what I think that is to dance, Peter dances weirder than me and I can't help it but roar with laughter.

Finally I am having fun. I don't care about anything. I am just being happy with my friends. I love the moments like these, when you laugh so much that your stomach hurts. 'Do you want something to drink? I'm thirsty...' I ask Peter almost without breath because of laughing.

'Thanks but no. I am okay'

A few seconds later after I turn around to go to the bar for a coke, I can hear Candice and Matthew at the same time saying the name of Ed out loud, which makes me look at their direction. I can see Ed walking at a swift pace towards Peter, minimally staggered because of the beers he has drunk. I walk at the same time as Ed, being afraid of what is about to happen. I am on time to keep the distance and place myself in between the two of them, Ed and Peter. I can see the anger in Ed's eyes. I stop him by grabbing his T- Shirt. My hands over his chest.

'Stop it, Edward.' For a second, he hesitates but then reacts moving aggressively my hands away and goes back where he was.

'I think it's time for me to go. I'm sorry Peter for this incident. He's an asshole.' I give him a short hug and then I look for Acker to say goodbye to him. ' My little boy, I see you on Monday okay?' he nods and hugs me, giving me kisses all over my cheek. 'I love you babe.'

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