Chapter 24

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'Muuuuum.' My son calls me from downstairs. I hear how he throws his school bag somewhere in the hall and Ed scolds him. After a few seconds I can see his little body showing up to my room. 'Are you sick?' He runs to my bed and starts giving me kisses. 'Do you feel better now?'

'Hmmm...not yet.' A big smile appears on my face when he keeps giving me kisses. 'Much better now!' Without warning I start tickling my son and he starts laughing and trying to escape by twisting his body on the bed. We stop as soon as Ed knocks on my room's door.

'How are you feeling, K?' Ed asks me.

'She is recovered now, daddy. I've made it!!!' Acker says quickly without letting me to answer.

'So you have superpowers now! C'mon, go to the kitchen and show mummy what you have done today at school!' My son runs towards the kitchen, going downstairs.

Ed gets closer to me and places a kiss on my forehead, stroking my hair. I return the kiss back but on his lips.

'Oh, why this?'

'The period makes me have superpowers as well. You have the superpower now of making dinner tonight.' We both start laughing till we listen to Acker coming upstairs.

'Mum, look!! Look mum!!' I hear my son screaming in excitement as he is getting closer to my room.

'Here comes the little monster.'

He shows up with a big mockup with the solar system, little bit messy but pretty.

'Oh my God. Have you made that by yourself?' I say with a surprised tone, while Acker stands completely proud of himself and nodding with a big smile on his face.

'Look, mummy. This is the sun! And you can't touch it because if you do it, it will burn your hand!' He explains me with enthusiasm. 'And this is my favourite planet. It's called Jupiter.'

'It's amazing, honey. But now, we will leave it here so I can see it every time I wake up.' I say, standing up and leaving the mockup onto the chest of drawers. 'It's time for you to get a bath, while daddy makes dinner.'

I prepare everything for Acker, including his batman toy and his pyjama. I dry his hair first with the hairdryer to make sure it's not damp and then I mess it with the towel, as Ed does it. He loves it in that way.

'Mummy. Is daddy staying with us forever?' My son asks me while I get him dressed on his pyjama.

'Only for tonight at the moment. We will see. He needs to work.'

'But I want him to live with us again, mum.'

'Acker, c'mon, don't start with that again.' I pick him up and take him to the kitchen, where Ed is making fajitas. It smells delicious.

Having dinner as a family again makes me feel very happy. Finally. Watching Acker roar with laugh while he sees Ed, struggling, in an attempt to eat a fajita, dropping all the food that was inside the fajita onto the plate. His laugh is so contagious we can't help but laughing as well.

While Ed is upstairs, telling Acker a story with his tattoos, to try Acker to fall sleep, I'm placing all the dishes and glass in the dishwasher, starting it later. When I go upstairs, I get closer to Acker's bedroom and stuck my head in, to see Acker completely asleep and Ed staring at him.

By the time we go to bed it's almost 11pm. He holds me in his arms and that's how I fall asleep. With his breath against my neck, feeling his body heat. When I wake up we're still snuggled. It's the alarm clock what wakes me up, I must have forgotten to switch it off. I take my phone and confused, I realize it's not the alarm clock but a call. I sit up on the bed, causing Ed to wake up. It's a call from the clinic where my mother is.

'Mrs. Sheeran? I'm the director of Sunset Clinic.'

'Yes. It's me. What's wrong?'

'I'm sorry to inform you about this. But one of our employees has found the lifeless body of your mother...We still don't know the causes. It seems it's a suicide.'


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