Chapter 26

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When I wake up I see Karlie sleeping placidly and cuddling Acker. It was definitely a great idea to pick him up from my parents last night. I know she needed him. I go to the kitchen and prepare some tea for me and coffee for Karlie. 10 minutes later I heard the steps of Karlie going down the stairs with Acker in her arms, half sleeping.

'Daddy, why you didn't prepare my breakfast?'

'Because I didn't have enough time, I'm going to the shower and mum makes the best breakfast in the whole world, doesn't she?' my son quickly nods and I give him a kiss on the cheek.

I take a quick shower and put on clean boxers before leaving the bathroom. Thanks God Karlie got the great idea of hanging up my clothes instead of leaving them in the suitcase. It it was up to me, the clothes would have into there for ages. I take the black suit with a white shirt and a black tie and try to do the best of it without any good result. By the time I'm finished, Karlie is helping Acker with his shoes.

'How do you dare to invade our bed, Hobbit?' I turn over my head, try to put my best angry face as Acker is showing me his best cheeky face.

'Mum told me!!' He tries to hide hugging his mother, burying his face onto her neck.

'C'mon little monster, mum needs to get dressed.' I take him in my arms and leave a kiss on Karlie's shoulder.

'Daddy, why mum is sad again? Is because granny is not here anymore?' My son asks me when we're outside, while I prepare the car seat for Acker.

'Yes, that's why we have to take care of mummy.'

'And where's granny?'

'She's in heaven now, she's watching you from above the clouds, dear.'

'But daddy, today there's no clouds.' He says while looking at the sky.

Fail. I stay in silence, praying for my son not to ask more questions about it. Karlie comes minutes later and I drive towards the little church, where my parents, brother and sister-in-law are waiting for us. Karlie goes almost running to hug Candice while Acker runs towards my dad. There's also a few women and a man, whose face sounds familiar to me. But Karlie doesn't seem to know him, so if it would have been her dad, she would have recognize him, besides I don't think that asshole would have dare to come here. During all the ceremony I can't stop staring at him. I hate when a face sounds familiar but I can't get the reason why. My arm is around Karlie's waist, stroking her in an attempt of comforting her and getting her closer to me as she rests her head on my shoulder. Once the ceremony is over and the strangers come to give condolences. Click. It's the man of the photograph I found in Mrs. Lawson box. That's it Karlie's real father. He seems to be nervous.

'I'm so sorry for your loss. I.' He stops and takes a deep breath. Don't say it now, please. 'I was an old friend of your mum. I've heard from you quite a lot.'

'Thank you, I didn't know she had a friend though...'

'Why don't we go to drink a coffee so we can share a few memories about your mum?' I suggest and Karlie looks at me completely incredulous. The man knows that I know it and a warm smile appears on his face, although he seems to be nervous, to be afraid of being rejected. 'C'mon honey, it will be good for you. It will help you.'

'Well...yes...maybe it's a good idea.'

'I'm Michael, by the way.' He shakes our hands, including our son and jokes about Acker's super strength.

We say goodbye to my family and agree on meeting for the next day to have lunch. During our way to the café, everyone stays in silence. A very awkward silence. Once we're inside the building and we've already ordered our coffee is when Karlie decides to talk first:

'So how come you know my mum? University?'

One of the few things I knew about Mrs. Lawson is that she had a chemists but had to leave it when she met Joseph.

' actually met when she was working at the chemist's.'

'Oh, really? She never told me about it.'

'I worked there only for a few months, though. She wouldn't probably even remembered me.' I almost laugh at that.

'And how did you know that she has passed away?'

'We still had some friends in common. Margo told me, I'm sure you know her. So I took the first flight. I live now in Denmark.'

'Yes, I know her.'

'Catherine was an amazing woman and such an intelligent person, what a shame that she left the chemist's.'

'They had to sell it because of my father. They needed the money or something like that my mum told me, I can't really remember.'

They share some funny histories about Mrs. Lawson, well, Catherine, now that I know her name, that I've never heard before and also it's hard to believe at least for me, considering the idea that I've seen her almost always in the clinic. And eventhough she hasn't been the typical mother-in-law I have to say that I really appreciated her, the way she cared about Karlie and Acker was incredible. At least we share something: both, Karlie and Acker, Acker and Karlie are our weakness.

'I'd like to invite you to this coffee. I hope they accept credit cards I forgot to exchange the money.'

'Yeah, in London everything is possible.'

The waitress comes to our table and Michael asks for the bill, placing his credit card on the table. But before the waitress takes it, it's too late, my wife has already seen his whole name. She wasn't supposed to know this. Not now. That fucking idiot of Michael. He hasn't even realized. It's when my wife formulates the question when his face becomes pale, more even than Olaf:

'Is there anything else you want to tell us, Mr. Lawson?'


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