Chapter 32

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The Wrath of Gammon

Disclaimer: This story is my humble attempt to write a fanfiction of the epic Mahabharata. My intention is not to hurt anyone's sentiment.

Aum Namah Shivay!!

Major Jayant Roy, SM is a fictitious character. Any similarity with any living person is merely a coincidence.

Chapter 32

Maitrikavati, Salwa Kingdom, Dwapar Yuga

Third Person's POV

King Shalva was sitting in a beautifully decorated room in his palace. He was silently waiting for an important visitor. In front of him, there were multiple golden tumblers of high quality wine placed on a table. Beside the wine pots, there were multiple types of sweets and fruits placed on golden platters. He looked at them for the last time, and nodded his head, pleased with the arrangements.

A few moments later, a guard entered the room. He bowed to his king and said, "The commander of the Matsya kingdom, Maharathi Kichaka is waiting outside."

"Send him in with proper respect, guard."

The guard walked out, and after some moment, Kichaka entered. He was clad in valuable dresses and jewelleries, with a golden crown on his head.

"Welcome to Salwa Kingdom, Maharathi Kichaka.", Shalva stood up, and greeted him warmly. Kichaka was looking at him with a cautious glaze, but he managed to place a smile in his lips. He bowed to the king in front of him.

"I am honoured."

"Please, take a seat." King Shalva gestured to a seat in front of him, then clapped his hands. Two beautiful young maids came into the room. One of them poured some wine on a golden goblet and placed it in front of Kichaka. The other took a platter of sweet and stood beside him.

"Please, have some refreshment. You came here after a long journey and it will help you to get rid of the tiredness." While speaking, Shalva didn't miss the lustful eyes of Kichaka literally licking the uncovered parts of the two young women. He smirked in his mind. It was his idea to order the maids to dress provocatively. Kichaka was a powerful warrior, but his only major problem was beautiful and young women, and Shalva was planning to exploit just that.

Kichaka slowly took the goblet of wine. While taking, his right hand touched the maid's hand for a bit longer. He took a sip from it.

"It tastes beautiful." he said while looking at the chest of the woman in front of him. The woman noticed it too, and gave a smile. Shalva was looking at both of them. His plan was going smoothly. Kichaka was just a pawn in the game of politics, played by him and Poundrak, and this pawn had his use now. Matsya kingdom had an Akshauhini strong army, and Kichaka and his brothers were a formidable force. They could be useful now.

"Both of you, for today, your only duty are to serve our honourable guest, Maharathi Kichaka. You two will take care of each and every need. Now, leave us alone."

The two maids bowed and left the room. Kichaka was still looking at the passing figures of them, with a lusty look in his eyes. Now he turned to the king sitting in front of him.

"Now tell me, Maharaja, what is the reason of you asking an audience with me? You can surely send an official letter to Maharaja Virat."

King Shalva poured some wine in his goblet.

"It is true that Maharaja Virat sits on the throne of Matsya Kingdom. But I know that the power behind his throne is you. Maharaja Virat is highly influenced by you, because you are both the commander in chief of his army and his brother-in-law too."

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