Chapter 42

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The Wrath of Gammon

Disclaimer: This story is my humble attempt to write a fanfiction of the epic Mahabharata. My intention is not to hurt anyone's sentiment.

Aum Namah Shivay!!

Major Jayant Roy, SM is a fictitious character. Any similarity with any living person is merely a coincidence.

Chapter 42

Hastinapur, Dwapar Yuga

Bhishma POV

I was standing in front of the room, where Nakul and Sahdeva were trying their best to save the unfortunate girl. A 'nakshatra ahoratram' had been passed after she was brought back in Hastinapur. In the closed room, the twins were performing complicated surgeries on her, trying their best to defeat Yam Raja. I heaved a deep sigh. My Pitashri blessed me with the boon of choosing my own time of death, but this boon is becoming a curse. I had seen the death of countless people younger than me. I had seen the dead bodies of my family members- Chitrangad, Vichitravirya, and Pitashri. But something in my mind always told me that I have to see more. My life was cursed by the woman, who came back again. She would be the cause of my death.

"Mahamahim!" I heard a voice behind me. I forced myself out from my line of thoughts and turned around. Dronacharya and Kripacharya were standing there; both of them had a sad look in their faces.

I crossed my hands and greeted them and they both replied to my greetings. Then the three of us looked at the closed door in front of us. Each of us had the same prayer in our minds.

"Dhritarashtra and Gandhari were shattered after hearing the news. I was there with them for the whole night. Shakuni, Sanjay and Sugada were with me to. Putri Gandhari cried the whole night. It was a heartbreaking sight to see the blindfold wet with tears."

I looked at Kripacharya, who quickly wiped out his own tears. I knew that he had a soft spot for Duryodhana, just as Dronacharya had one for Arjun.

"How is Duryodhana? I hadn't seen him after he came in the palace? Where is he?" Kripacharya asked me.

Now, this question baffled me. I hadn't seen him either. It seemed like he had vanished into thin air. But before I could say anything, I saw Vikarna and Dussasan coming towards us. Both of them came in front of the three of us and greeted us. Then Dronacharya asked them about their eldest brother. Both the brothers looked at each other and then Vikarna spoke up.

"Yesterday, Jyesth went to the western garden in the evening and stayed there until late night. After he went to the garden, Bhabishri Draupadi came to us, looking for him. We were shocked actually then we directed her to the western garden. I was curious, but didn't follow her because it would be an impolite thing to do. Though, we saw her returning back from the garden after a long time, looking thoughtful."

Now that was interesting news. We looked at each other's face and tried to process the information in our minds.

"We should speak to her.", Dronacharya said in a soft voice. We silently agreed, but before any of us could say anything, the closed door in front of us started opening with a sound. Nakul entered from the room. His dress was stained with blood, and his face was tired, with a sad look on his face.

"Nakul how is she?" I asked him eagerly, hoping for good news. Nakul heaved a deep sigh.

"Vikarna, please get your Jyesth Bhrata. He should be here."

Vikarna literally ran away and a few moments later, came back with Duryodhana. Behind them, I saw the five Pandavas along with Draupadi and Subhadra. Then I saw Vasudev walking at the last line, a sad expression in his face.

"Nakul how's my wife? How's my Priya?" Duryodhana asked in a shaking voice. His appearance became haggard in one single day. His eyes were red, which was clearly a sign of intoxication.

"We were able to mend her body. Her spinal cord was shattered, so we have to use thin wires of silver to join the parts. She will need complete bed rest for at least three months then if her condition became stable, then she should be able to start walking. But..." Nakul stopped speaking, and his eyes became moist.

"Speak out, Nakul." I spoke slowly, although there was a sinking feeling in my heart.

"Her fetus...a piece of bone pierced both her womb and the fetus. When we started operating on her, we found that it became septic, I swear on all my knowledge, Bhrata Duryodhana, we have no other way, if we hadn't do that, her blood became septic and she would have died."

Duryodhana looked at him, and I saw multiple emotions ran on his face, at first fear, then sorrow and then, anger. His fist clenched and his face twisted horribly.

"You cut off my wife's womb, didn't you?"

Nakul hung his head downside.

"She can't have her own child ever. I am sorry."

"No!" I heard a woman screamed. I looked at that direction and saw Draupadi, who had her hand on her mouth. Her body was shaking with tears. Subhadra wasn't any better herself. But I saw her placing her hand on Draupadi's shoulder, trying to comfort her. The horrible news numbed all of us.

"Where is she? I want to see her.", Duryodhana spoke in a low voice.

"She is sleeping now. We have to give her a strong sedative. She would wake up after ten muhurtas. After that, she should only have liquid diet and proper medications."

At the same moment, Sahdeva came out from the room. He was looking tired, with deep bags under his eyes. His eyes met Duryodhana's, and I saw tears formed in them. He crossed his hands to him, and I saw an apologetic look in his face. A deep sigh came out from my heart. That unborn child...poor Devapriya!

"Can I see her for a moment?" Duryodhana asked in a low voice. Sahdeva nodded slowly then both of them went inside. A few moments later, they came back. Then I went inside the room, with my two daughters-in-law behind me. The scene was practically heartbreaking. My daughter-in-law was lying on the bed, her full body covered with bandages soaked in medicines and potions. I heard both Draupadi and Subhadra were sobbing softly. We slowly came out from the room. I saw Vasudev speaking with Karna in a corner. I looked at the eldest son of Kunti, who probably came here while I was inside the room. He saw us, and crossed his hands to me, and I acknowledged with a nod.

We all left that place together, leaving the twins with my unconscious daughter-in-law. We all went to our separate ways. The Pandavas, along with their wives and Vasudev, went to their quarters. The two Acharyas bid farewell to me, and left. I walked absentmindedly towards my quarters, when, someone in my path caused me to halt.

She..., no, I corrected myself...he was looking at me with extreme loathing in his eyes. His eyes hadn't change...nor the intense hatred in them changed ever.

"Devavrat, we meet again then!"

So, this is chapter 42. Please read, vote and comment.

Nakshatra Ahoratram is equal to 24 hours.

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