Chapter 5

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September 20th, 2021

Rory arrived in Stars Hollow later than usual, having struggled falling asleep after talking with Finn and hence only really woken past noon. Her delay was not entirely selfish though, spent just in slumber. She'd gotten Em a few new dresses and also dropped by Books of Wonder, getting Em a few new books. She knew that in theory Jess could've ordered Em whatever book she wanted for her, probably cheaper too, but she craved that independence from him in these things. A handpicked book, something to feel and smell even, meant more than choosing something off a website. 

Rory turned left at Luke's, aiming to drive a few blocks further to Apparatus Bay, but she noticed the familiar brown-haired girl already right across the street from Luke's at the playground, playing on the merry-go-round with Doula, Jess' 15-year-old half sister.

She parked her car by Luke's and after letting a few cars pass, crossed the road.

"Hey, Em! Hi, Doula," Rory greeted the two of them.

Em hadn't expected her there, hence she was taken by surprise and ran to her with open arms, and Rory twirled her around her axel. Seeing her little face light up always made Rory's day.

"You miss me?" Rory asked, not really needing an answer. She'd missed her, every weekend she missed her, no matter that her alone time too was invaluable.

"Uh-uh," Em replied, nodding her head.

"Where's your dad?" Rory asked her, but looked at both of them, glancing around as if expecting Jess to just appear from somewhere.

"He went to help Luke with something," Doula replied, gesturing towards Luke's.

Rory knew she still needed to wait for Jess. She was sure he'd want to say goodbye to Em before they left, and vice versa.

"Alright, that means you can play for a little while longer until your dad comes back," Rory encouraged her daughter, who already skipped back to the merry-go-round.

"So Doula, how's school?" Rory asked casually, making small talk. She wasn't very close to her, but school tended to be something she could always ask her about. The girl loved books too, she was Jess' sister after all, but she was a lot like her mother too, easily excited and sometimes a little distracted as she was now, having her phone in her hand.

Doula replied something, but it was something vague, leaving Rory just replying in a few nods. She fought an involuntary yawn, feeling a little tired, regretting she hadn't brought a book.

It had been a while before she'd actually fallen asleep last night after Finn had left, even though being both mentally and physically exhausted. As much as she'd fought the thought of Logan - out there - somewhere in the world, she'd still tried to picture him. 

What was going through his mind? Was he safe? Happy? She truly hoped he was, even as just an old friend.

As Rory watched Em, who was giggling, as Doula, clearly being there because Jess was bribing her somehow so she even seemed reluctant to leave, pushed more speed into the merry-go-round, she couldn't help herself from picturing what her and Logan's baby would've looked like, had that become reality. Would the child still look almost like an exact copy of herself like Em did or maybe the child would've had his blonde hair or brown eyes instead? The thought was painful, and she forcefully pulled herself out of that line of thinking with a sharp inhale. No good would've come of it. She just needed to keep her focus and repeat to herself that there wouldn't have ever been Em in that case.

"Hey," came a deep voice from behind her, pulling her out of her thoughts, nearly making her jolt.

"Hey," Rory  replied as her head turned, unsuccessfully trying to relax the wrinkle in her forehead that those thoughts had brought on.

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