Chapter 14

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October 20th, 2021

Wednesday really wasn't the perfect time for this. But Rory felt like being hard to reach could turn into her disadvantage if this continued this for much longer. It had taken some effort, clearing her evening of homework reading and asking Lorelai to entertain Em for the night, but there she was, home from work in record time, hastily shaving her legs.

She was just finishing up, and rinsed the excess foam off her legs, when she heard voices coming from downstairs. Lorelai and Em had arrived. With Em around the house, it wouldn't have been the first time she'd ended up with one leg shaven and the other not.

Rory continued to moisturize her skin and added a dash of Tocca Florence behind her ears and between her breasts. Oh she was going all in, alright - and she was pretty sure Seth knew it too, their discussion having been a pretty direct one about their weekday dinner date, containing plenty of hints of their intentions. The anticipation was definitely making her a little nervous.

The only trouble was that it felt a little technical. Like the third date was the time they needed to get this over with - like she was doing this to shed that initial awkwardness as quickly as possible. In part that was probably true, but she wasn't really admitting to herself that properly, claiming to feel at least some excitement towards the man (or maybe it was just towards the situation itself). But whether that was just the general nerves or something more - she struggled to differentiate.

Em burst through the bedroom door, having probably seen her car up front, just as Rory was slipping on her purple embroidered lace mini dress. Her dark grey lacy underwear matched, but it wasn't anything too flashy or overly seductive, hence she wasn't too worried about Em catching a glimpse. She hadn't wanted to look like she was trying too hard either.

"Mommy!" the girl exclaimed, hugging her mother's legs, as Rory zipped the dress up.

"Hey, Em! How was school?" Rory continued with their normal after-school discussion, after giving her a kiss. This time it had been just Lorelai who had gone to pick her up instead of her, giving her a chance to get a head start at getting ready, needing to shed her work look, which tended to hide under sweaters and full cover tights.

Rory continued to do her makeup - just a quick base, some blush, light contour to her eyes, and mascara, topping things off with some rosy pink lip ink, while she continued to talk to Em, who had taken the observer's position on the bathroom counter. They could hear Lorelai downstairs calling for pizza or something similar, the word calzone having been thrown around. Lorelai still preferred calling over apps, liking the game of judging people by their voices and as Luke was the kind of man who didn't like paying the middle-man that household was pretty stuck to calling directly to the sources of their takeaway. But the call created a pleasant homy sound around the house, Rory had to admit - almost like old times with the addition of Em.

"You look so pretty," Em commented, running her palm over the embroidered pattern of Rory's dress, taking in the texture.

"Thank you, baby," Rory exclaimed, giving the girl another little kiss, and continued to pull her hair up into a low and messy bun, wanting to expose her neck.

Rory had been honest with Em the night before, and said that she had a date. That of course had followed an explanation of what a date was. She hadn't been out on a date since Em was about two - but those couple of times had been sort of out of need to be with someone other than Jess not for actual hope to find someone significant. So she wasn't sure that those counted, and Em had no memory of those times. But now Rory kept that pretty straightforward with Em too - it was when two people wanted to find out if they liked each other. She aimed to create at least a similarly open relationship with Em that she had had with her mother. She secretly hoped Em would someday in the very-very distant future tell her about her first kiss, her first crush and when, or perhaps even before, she lost her virginity, realizing that even she hadn't told that to Lorelai right when those things had happened.

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