Chapter 53

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January 15th, 2022

"Knock-knock," Logan said, peeking in through the front door, being in the process of letting himself in. He wasn't entirely comfortable with letting himself into this house to be honest even though he'd done it a lot by now. Somewhere in the back of his mind it was always Rory's house first, if he tried not to think about it being kind of Jess' too. He couldn't wait to move. Their own joint home being like the holy grail.

"Who's there?" Rory said, playing along. She was sitting behind her desk, her glasses on her nose, her laptop open in front of her, lifting a few sheets of paper from one pile into another. It was not how she'd planned on spending her Saturday, but this she'd done entirely voluntarily.

"A big bad wolf," Logan teased huskily, letting himself in, cast his coat in the rack, shed his snowy boots and walked over. He'd expected to find her in a more relaxed mode to be honest. Maybe picking out a movie for them to watch or piling the coffee table up with snacks, not hunched over her desk when they'd made plans.

"And I'm the grandma, I suppose?" Rory looked at him from over her glasses, but smiled flirtily.

"A very sexy grandma in that case. I always had a thing for older women," Logan murmured, jokingly, and kissed her neck from the side. It would've been too simple to just claim her to look more like a youthful Red Riding Hood and he was all about keeping things interesting.

That kiss was certainly a distraction, making her stomach flutter for a moment. She turned herself a little more and her arm reached out for his neck and demanded the kiss to continue on her lips. The welcome kiss left them both pleasantly hazed.

"Hi," she said, more formally as the kiss broke.

"Hey," Logan replied, happy to see her. "What's all this?" he asked, straightening his back, but leaving his hand lingering on her shoulder. He'd gotten the impression that Rory hadn't needed to work this weekend, her two days away from Chilton having left her ample time to get things done while she was at Smith's.

"This...," Rory began with a deep exhale. "I'm not really sure what it is yet," she added, but scrolled to the beginning of the document she had on her laptop to show him. She'd missed showing what she was working on to Logan. He was the most honest of all of her critics, and she loved that. He didn't sugar coat things. Jess was often overly supportive when she wrote anything, almost as if just thinking that any good editor would whip whatever she created into shape. In reality she could've done it herself with the right dose of constructive criticism. And Lorelai - she was always reading her work with pink glasses, hence she hadn't really read much of anything since before Em was born.

"A woman's journey from the 20th to the 21st century," Logan read out and noted the three question marks behind it. A working title, certainly.

"I found my grandmother's picture on the wall of honor at Smith's, even seeing her with her maiden name was so odd I just got into thinking how little I knew of her history. So I did a little digging...," Rory explained, going into what sources she'd already exhausted and how still having some contacts to get him access to some archives had come handy. She'd already felt something similar over at Nantucket but hadn't really gotten around to it. There never seemed to be a good time, there never seemed to be enough time - so she'd just gone ahead and done it. Make time for work that matters - right? So she'd put her Saturday with Em at Jess' into better use than shopping or cleaning as had been the original plan, and made her words appear on paper, or well... screen.

"Uh-uh," Logan responded, taking in what she was doing, but there was a certain tone of amusement in his tone that Rory noticed. This wasn't the moment Rory had given the piece, the story...whatever it was... to him to ready fully, but he'd glimpsed through the gist of it in this short time, being excellent at speed reading. He wasn't quite sure what it was right now either - something a little more than an article, biography perhaps... but it had some characteristics of possibly becoming something more than that. Either way it seemed too fresh to put any labels on it.

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