Chapter 62

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March 2nd, 2022

Rory and Logan were on their way to New Milford. The road to their therapist had already grown familiar, but since they'd skipped their last session in the midst of the moving hustle, it had been a while - almost a whole month, in fact. They both felt a little guilty for skipping that one time too, even if they'd both assured each other that it was nothing. It really felt a little like delaying going to the dentist, half expecting a mild scolding as they got there.

"You know...," Logan began, as he was driving a longer stretch of straight highway and he'd had some time to think while Rory had been typing some quick responses on some of her work e-mails. "We have not gone out on a date in a while, just the two of us," he said as Rory had let her phone fall to her lap.

"You're right," Rory admitted, having not realized how quickly time had passed when one had so many things on one's plate. She felt a little weird that she hadn't noticed, truth be told.

"Well.. do you want to? This weekend maybe? Saturday?" Logan suggested, knowing Rory would probably go over to Lorelai's on Friday for Friday night dinner.

Lorelai had extended the invite to both of them, but Rory felt this time it was probably better she went alone, since she hadn't spoken to her mother enough about what was going on with Luke and her, wanting to help somehow. Lorelai might have been open and outspoken, but when things got really personal, Rory felt she had a better shot going alone.

"Sure, but nothing over the top, okay?" Rory replied.

"When have I ever gone over the top?" Logan replied, laughingly. He loved the challenge of taking her out - wanting it to be special, so she'd know how much she meant to him, but at the same time making it so it'd just be a small step beyond what she would expect so it wouldn't be too usual.

"Ha-ha," Rory teased, rolling her eyes.

It was then Rory's phone buzzed, having left it on vibrate coming straight from her work.

"Paris, hi," Rory answered.

Logan could only really hear some intonations of Paris' voice on the other line, the phone stereo being set up with his phone instead of Rory's. He was pretty sure he did hear the name 'Finn' mentioned at least once.

"Well that's... I'd like to say good. it is, isn't it? It's better than nothing, right?" Rory discussed, after listening tentatively for a while.

Logan had spoken a little to Finn too at the housewarming party, and to Logan Finn's state of confusion was perfectly understandable under the circumstances. Finn had big changes on his way. But even he was sensing that Finn was actually beginning to think about this as not the worst thing in the world, and frankly he was happy for him. But being no further along himself in actually becoming a father, Logan's expertise on the topic was pretty limited. In that sense he figured him and Rory were feeling pretty similar about this thing - it was as if everyone else around them were making progress while their progress was mostly limited to being together, living together. He knew, he couldn't really complain, but given their current development speed it felt like they were almost standing still right now, just carrying on with their work and keeping the household functional.

"You didn't?!" Rory exclaimed suddenly into the phone, and chuckled.

This was actually raising Logan's curiosity, even if living on the expense of his friends' exciting lives seemed a little silly.

"Hey... do whatever you want. I mean if not now, when!?" Rory discussed.

Some time passed, and Logan could hear Paris lecturing Rory on something or other, unsurprisingly.

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