Chapter 44

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December 22nd, 2021

"She's finally down," Rory said as she snuck into the bedroom, closing the door behind her as quietly as she could.

The Sandcastle was full of little cracks and squeaks - the place was old, despite it looking refreshing in it's light-colored decor and white wood paneled hallways. Emily had gone all the way with the nautical theme -  various paintings, sailing charts, even lamps and other decorative items carrying it well to most of the rooms. The beachy feel of the place didn't exactly match the Christmas feel Rory had been after quite as she'd planned. But they still had the Christmas tree to set up, and make the place their home away from home for a few days.

Em had had trouble falling asleep in a new place, hence Rory had spent a good hour reading to her and stroking her hair. She was pretty sure the girl was going to be up at least once during the night. But it didn't mean she wanted to just fret about that. If it happened, it happened, figuring the cracks and squeaks of the house would at least give heads up if it came to it.

"It feels kind of weird being in the same bed with you like this," Logan admitted, already sitting in bed, a blanket over his legs, having been casually reading Herman Melville's 'Billy Budd'. Not that he hadn't before, but when he'd seen it it had brought back some nostalgia for him too, and it was not like this place had TV-s in every room. And he'd very intentionally aimed to take a break from his laptop during this little get-away as long as there was nothing urgent.

"I know what you mean," Roy replied, having already changed into a cozy pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt earlier. The room temperature was a little cooler here than she was used to. Logan was definitely getting the most in depth look into her as a mother. That included the way she dressed, thought and took care of Em's needs first and foremost.

Rory slipped under the cover, feeling strangely nervous too. It was the first night with them sleeping in the same bed with Em under the same roof after all.

"You know, she told me today on the ferry that she likes you," Rory said to Logan, the two having positioned themselves on their sides, facing each-other, Logan having tucked the book on top of the headboard.

Honestly, Logan didn't know how to take a compliment like that.

"Good," he simply said, not quite feeling it was an adequate response.

"She was worrying about what she should call you. She was worried that it would get all confusing if she had to start calling you 'daddy'," Rory chuckled quietly.

"Ah... right," Logan replied, his smile bringing out the lines in his face. But he had to say that he was moved. He hadn't expected things to go this well, and he could only hope they would stay that way once Em figured out he was actually sharing the bed with her mother too, not just holding hands with her on occasion or giving her small pecks. That was all they'd done in front of her, and even so cautiously infrequently.

"You know... I made an appointment. In a few weeks... I think I need to get an opinion of how likely it'd be to... you know...," she hesitated.

Logan eyed at her questioningly, not quite following.

"To my OB-GYN," Rory spelled it out for him with an exhale. "There's the age and the scarring... Paris keeps throwing statistics at me. How my odds are quickly diminishing... et cetera," she replied. "And I'd much rather keep this out of Paris' area of expertise," she added, not wanting to use Paris' professional services - surrogacy - if she could help it.

"Oh..," Logan replied. Truth be told he didn't recall Rory ever discussing with him in great detail about these things. Sure, he knew Rory had a doctor and just like all women she had check-ups, but these topics had never seemed like something that involved him or mattered to him. And this time it certainly did. "I just want you to know that while I am in awe that you're willing to consider this... it's not a deal breaker for me," he assured. "So I don't want you to worry, okay?" he added, seeing some concern in her face.

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