Chapter 40

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December 12th, 2021

"Favorite color?" Rory asked, going down a check-list of things they needed to answer about each other, doing their therapy homework.

"I know it used to be maroon red, I know that, but these days... I'd guess something blueish maybe?" Logan discussed, basing his answer on what Rory wore the most, also she had several blueish throw pillows around the house, a matching comforter even.

"I don't really have a favorite, or I don't know. Sage is nice, but it's kind of an 'in' color, but sure, blue works," she replied, leniently. She didn't really understand how answering questions like this one and the one before - 'what is your favorite time of day?' - was actually supposed to strengthen their relationship. But they were both doing whatever they were asked to, almost wanting to avoid making mistakes altogether this time around - and homework they could both do, easily.

"I'm kind of the same, I don't mind anything much, unless it's too bright or has too much of a grazy pattern," Logan replied.

There was one asking what the other's biggest fear was, but Rory skipped that, just not feeling like going into something that serious right now.

"Oh... this one might actually be interesting," Rory began, checking the next item on their list. "What turns me on sexually?" she read out with a sneaky smile.

"Now this is a conversation we should rather be having in the bedroom," Logan murmured, and wrapped his arms around her hips. They really were like college kids when it came to sex these days, the fact that they spent at times weeks without sleeping in the same bed, meant that when they finally made up for the physical part, they really did.

"Hm-hm," Rory agreed, and kissed him sensually.

They were at Rory's place, having spent Saturday night there, and after having slept late, spent that entire morning looking through real estate ads, both those in Hartford and nearby, and browsed puppies for Logan. Both were equally entertaining activities. And while they kept telling themselves they had plenty of time for either, it was very tempting to think of it as something palpable.

It was then Rory's phone pinged, jolting them out of the attractive discussion topic.

"Crap," Rory cursed, realizing they'd lost track of time, having glanced at her phone.

"Jess?" Logan asked, reading the disappointment in her face. Exploration of their sexual turn-ons - on those levels that they didn't already know, which really wasn't a lot - would just have to wait.

But Rory realized she was facing another type of awkward position right this minute.

"You want me to slip out the back or something?" Logan asked, studying her impression.

"Um... No?" Rory replied, sounding more hesitant than she would've liked. She wasn't eager to witness this interaction. But she didn't want to purposefully hide Logan either. Maybe this was good, them seeing each-other in passing like this, one dropping Em off, the other being on his way out. Simple, quick and painless - right?

"Okay then," Logan replied, and packed his wallet, keys and phone into his pockets and began to pull on his dark blue parka that he'd bought when out shopping with Rory and Em from last week. He'd just make the graceful exit then, just like the plan had been from the start.

"We'll just have to finish this on your way to therapy on Thursday," Rory said, referring to their homework assignment, and kissed him goodbye, already hearing Jess' voice speaking to Em in the driveway.

"Oh, we'll definitely finish this," Logan assured, smugly, meaning the last question especially, and demanded another kiss with a little bit more tongue, hungrily.

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