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Maddison or whatever her name was house was huge, people were packed in left and right. "C'mon let's go to the kitchen and grab a drink" Michelle
said pulling my arm towards the kitchen. We got to the kitchen and Michelle said she was gonna make me a surprise drink to start off the party with. I dont know why, but I trust her.

"Here, be careful it's strong" Michelle said passing the drink to me. Without a second glance I down the drink. The liquid was strong and burned my throat a little and sent a tingly sensation going down. God that felt so good. I ask Michelle how she made the drink and she told me it was a mixture of, pure vodka, whiskey, lime and lemonade. (Idk shit abt alchohol so bear with me)

After about 30 minutes I've had 3 shots, 2 beers and 2 cups of the spiked fruit punch. So it good to say that I'm drunk and that I've also lost Michelle. My phone was dead so I couldn't call her and she was no where to be seen.

It's hard to even walk right now in this state. Fuck.

Somehow, I stumble into the kitchen and decided to make myself another one of those shots. Dumb decision I know. I made two and gulped both down and felt even more out of it. This hangover is going to be killer.

"Novah?" a familiar voice said questioning me. I turned around to be met with valen. "oh Ohhh valen.. how are you doing good lookin" The drunkness said taking over my whole body. Im mentally cringing to myself right now. I grab a beer and walk towards him slowly, my drunken state made it harder to walk than usual and I ended up twisting my ankle.

Before I plummeted to the floor, valen wrapped his arm around my waist bring me back up and steadying my body. I looked up to him and saw how close we were. Then the next thing I know is that I pulled his face down to mines and attached our lips together.

His lips were warm and fit mines perfectly as if it was what I've been missing my whole life. I slipped my tongue in his mouth and he did the same, our tongues danced together peacefully and left us both wanting more and more. With my hands hanging around his neck and on my tippy toes, we went on for a while, enjoying eachother passion and company until he suddenly pulls back with his arm still around my waist "Fuck I'm sorry, I forgot you were drunk" he unwraps his arm off  me and ask me who's driving me home.

Why do I feel upset that the kiss ended. Why do I want more.

I ended up telling him about my situation with Michelle and he offered to help, which I took up quickly since I could barely walk. I still cant stop thinking about that damn kiss. He held me like I've never been held before, he kissed me as if I meant something as if I was actually worth something. He made me feel so safe with that kiss as if I could trust him with anything. I felt all of that in one drunken kiss.


Me and valen ended up finding Michelle in one of the vacant rooms in the house sleeping on the floor. I'm glad we found her before anyone else did.

Valen offered to drive us back since he had gotten a ride here anyways. We dropped Michelle off then we headed to our apartment.

Valen has been super helpful with me in my current state. He helped me out of my car, up the stairs and to grab my door keys too. When he finally opened the door I dropped all my stuff on the ground not caring about the mess it makes. I feel like collapsing on my bed.

"I'm going to go now, good night Novah" Valen said staring into my eyes not breaking any contact. "Goodnight valen" I whispered loudly enough for him to hear. With that he let himself out and closed the door.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck

Why am I still thinking of the stupid kiss. It was the alchohol definitely. I shake the though out of my head, and headed to the bathroom to wash my face, changed my cloths and brush my teeth trying to get the alcoholic taste off my tongue.

I finished up in the bathroom and entered my bedroom. Tomorrow's hangover is going to be killer. I turn off the lights I lay on my bed

Mom, Dad. I went out for the first time today. I know you probably didnt want my first time out again at a party, but it is what it is. I also never told you about Michelle. Shes pretty cool, she makes me feel safe and get me out of my comfort zone, but not too much to the point where I'm uncomfortable. You'd love her. I also met my neighbors, one of them goes to school with me and we've made..some encounters. You could say. I've really missed you guys. I'm sorry I didnt talk to you guys yesterday. It's been really hard without having both of you here with me. But I'm trying to manage. I hope it gets easier. I've also decided to get a therapist since my nightmares and panick attacks are getting worse. Even with those pills I have still have horrible nightmares. And I recently had a panick attack at school but got through it with someones help. I called her yesterday after my panick attack and scheduled appoints on Monday and Friday, till I dont need to go to therapy anymore. I know it's for the best. I just want to be free. Well I hope everything is doing ok up there, I'm glad both of you are free and reunited again. Goodnight Mom, Goodnight Dad.

After talking to my parents I decided it's best if head to sleep now since it's already pretty late which I don't mind since tomorrow is a Saturday. I cant wait to see how killer my morning hangover will be.

I adjust my blanket and pillows to my comfort. Take my pills. Lay back down and close my eyes, letting the darkness roam through taking over my body while I start to slowly drift into a deep heavy sleep.

Thank you so much for reading Ch.3, it means a lot to me. How are we feeling about our Neighbor valen. How do we feel about that magical kiss that they shared? Will there be more or was it just a simply drunken kiss. Read ahead to find out. Thanks for reading, come again <3


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