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I was passed out on my floor with the whiskey bottle still to the left of me, and the half eaten cake smothered on my face to the right. The excessive banging on my door jolted me up from my sleep, causing a nausea rush over my body.

Who the fuck is banging on my door at...3:47 in the afternoon. Great I overslept.

I slowly stand up not wanting to enrage the headache that was growing in my head. I take my time walking to the door, and finally reach it after what felt like a decade in slow motion. I open my door to reveal. Paulina.

Except this time her face was barley noticeable and covered with bruises and her arms the same with scars and sharp cuts. "What the fuck. Wha- you know what come in first." I let Paulina who is as shaken up as me in. I sit her down so she was at least a little comfortable. "Ok what the fuck happened to you."

"I..I....I came home about 2 hours ago because I spent the night at Michelle's. My Dad was there when I arrived and was drunk. I don't know what he thought I was doing because I told him I went out. He mumbled a lot of shit I couldn't understand and cornered me beating the absolute shit out of me. After he finished nearly killing me, I called the police and they asked me if I had a place to stay and I told them yes. My feet brought me to your place and now I'm here." She explains with her bloodshot eyes and shaken body.

"You're not going back. Move in with me." I could never live with myself if I let her go back.

This isn't the first time her dad has acted so roughly like this and this isn't the first time her mother ignored it happening right in front of her. They both deserve to rot in jail.

Her eyes prickle with tears as she wraps her arms around my neck instantly, "Thank you." She sniffles in my neck. "I don't have anything though, I'll have to go back and get my stuff," She wipes her tears.

"You're not going back, we'll go out soon and get you everything you need. What's going to happen to your parents."

"The police took them into custody, we're going to court in a few weeks." "I honestly can't thank you enough." The tears start to appear back in her eyes.

She takes a good look at me finally realizing my state, "what's wrong." She asks not giving me a room to lie. "Im fine. My Moms birthday was yesterday." I bluntly say not wanting to speak further about it. "Isn't that a good thing?" I never told her about my parents because I never felt like it, but if she's gonna be my roommate she might as well know why i yell or scream in my sleep, take pills every night to get just a wink of sleep, get panick attacks at any random moment, and zone out so much.

"She's dead. So is my Dad." Her eyes slightly widen. "..I'm sure they were awesome people if they raised someone as kindhearted as you. We have each other now." She wraps her arm around me again laying her head on my shoulder.

"Let's get you cleaned up."


Paulina and I were just now roaming and buying anything and everything we thought she needed for her room. "Novah I can pay for it myself, I promise." Paulina pleaded. "Yea you can pay for it using your college money, which I won't allow."


"I actually cant thank you enough Novah. You give me a roof over my head rent free, you buy me furniture, you buy me clothes. You are truly one of the best things in my life right now. I love you so much." She squeezes my hand tight, tears threatening to pour out as she sat in the passenger seat of my car.

The surprising thing is I felt the exact same with her. I've never felt like I had to be ashamed around her, she made me feel safe, unjudged, normal. I pull her into a hug feeling touched that she told me she loved me with such sincerity. The only other people who've told me they loved me and meant it was my parents.

"Let's go home."


"We're deffo have a girls night, it's only right bro." Paulina says walking in as soon as I open the door, dropping heavy bags on the floor. "Whatever you want, I'm only doing it to be a nice roommate." I take my sweater off leaving me in a tank top.

"Perfect I'm glad we made a stop at the beauty shop. I'll get the nail polish and face masks out. Get ready for the most relaxing night ever."


We were sat on the couch, Paulina painting my nails a matcha green shade. JCole Blasting through the speakers. "Done" She says adding the last stroke of paint on my pinky. "Now while they dry let talk about you and Valen." I roll my eyes sighing that she was bringing this back up.

"I like him, he likes me. We're staying friends because I dont want to dump all my shit on him. I dont think he deserves that. No, I know he doesnt deserve that.

"Novah I'm getting tired of hearing you think you're not destined for happiness, because you are. You're one of the very few people I know that you deserve it. You deserve to smile, and laugh and have a significant other who makes you feel like you're on cloud 9 all the time.

I've seen the way he look at you Novah, and I know you see it too. And one thing I'm sure about, Valen wants  you to dump all your shit on him..not literally, but you know what I'm saying.

Open your eyes Novah. Valen wants you during the tough and good times, and so do you. So why try to hide it, and why try to escape from it.

You both want if not need eachother. You can understand eachother together, you have something that people crave right in front of you. Dont let it slip away Novah."

She you guys in the next chapterrr. There is so much more drama to unravel with you guys, I'm glad you guys are coming along this journey with meeeee. See you in the next chapterrr


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