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It was Monday morning and Paulina was arriving today I just wasn't sure about what time.  I'm still trying to get use to us being official roommates now. I'm still trying to get use to everything.

I started this school year with the impression that I'll focus on my art, keep my head down at school, lay low and graduate going unnoticed. Oh I was so wrong. Now I have a whole group friends, this boy that truly likes me I hope And a roommate that I trust that also doubles as my friend.

I turn my head to my nightstand to check the time '6:13'

As I slowly get off my bed, I hear the front door open and then slam shut. That's either an intruder or Paulina. I'll take my chances and say it's Paulina. I exit my room to see my bright redheaded roommate dragging her tiny luggage across the living room. "Your back Paulina"

"In the flesh.." She says, her eyes wondering around the room like she was searching for something. "Valen was here." She declared after her observation.
I was stunned "Ho-"

She instantly cut me off "Crocs 2 times ur size lying on the floor, about 3 hickies lying on ur neck, your in his shirt im assuming, and a very thick leather wallet lying on the coffee table." Omg this woman is magical

"You're insane" Still in disbelief she could pick all that up in a matter of seconds. "Sooooooooo did u tell him, PLEASEEE tell me you did"

"Yes I told him...Wait hickies!" I quickly rush to the bathroom to see for myself. Omg it's like a vampire attacked my neck. I brush my finger over the hickies lying everywhere on my neck. Looks like my inner beauty guru is coming out today.

"Hmm who would've thought the in denial Novah would get freakayyyy like this" Paulina pops up beside me with her hands resting bc in my shoulders. "Oh shut up.. we have to get ready for school we're gonna be late"
(Paulina ended up switching to their school since they're roommates now)


Somehow we arrive at school before the bell rang, so I had time to show Paulina around to her classes. We had Math first period together so we walked there together

"Hey" Valen appeared beside me slipping his arm around my shoulder.


I didn't know we were doing that, I still don't officially even know what we are. I don't say anything about where his arms is positioned and just continue walking with him and Paulina  until we arrived at our Math class.

"Ok I'll see you at Lunch" He said removing his hand, his eyes lingering on a certain spot on my neck before he started to leave to go to his first class of the day which he'll probably arrive late for. "Ok bye thanks"

"Have ya not defined the relationship yet or what, because that seemed pretty..awkward" Paulina finally spoke as we find our seats in the classroom. "We'll talk later" as I see Ms.Breacher Standing up from her seat ready to teach.

"Class we have a new student today, Paulina Kreten"


The bell finally rang and now it was Lunch, I shared this class with none of my friends so I have to walk to the cafeteria alone.

"You fucking home wrecker." A nasty but recognizable voice says behind me.

I turn around to see Aubrey. A livid Aubrey. "Excuse me?"

"You heard what I said bitch. You're a fucking whore and home wrecker." She spat in my face. Ok I don't have time for this at all.

"I don't know what you're talking about and I honestly don't wanna be informed so I'm going to go to Lunch now ok.."

"You know exactly what I'm talking about bitch. Y-You stole Valen from me. He was mine. Mine" She yells attracting more eyes on us.

"First of all you don't own him. He's not "yours", he's not anyone's, he's his own person. Second of all I'm a home wrecker ? What fucking home did I wreck huh. You were in a one sided relationship that ended a few months later. I didnt wreck anything ok. Whatever me and Valen have going on right now which is none of to business .. didnt happen during your relationship with him so please shut up and leave me alone ted.

I turn around not leaving room for her response and start walking away irritated but still hoping that a good option is still left and I won't have to starve all day long.


"Where have you been girl" Michelle asks bringing the rest of the groups attention to me. "I had a question on homework sorry"

What happened wasnt big enough to add any sort of distress amongst the group, it was just a tiny altercation. I sat in between Valen and Nick since they made room for me. "Hey"

"Hi" the awkward interactions between us it painful. We need to talk out soon. "Hey can you come over to my place after school" I ask unable to continue with this lingering sense that we both have things to say.


"I have a feeling I know why you wanted me to come over"

I was hoping he did I didn't  know how I was going to initiate a conversation like this so I'm glad he's aware. "What are we doing. What is this..What do you want it to be." I surprise myself taking the lead and asking the questions that have been swarming my mind.

"I want you Novah. I've only wanted you. I don't want us..this to just be casual. I want to be yours. I want to be your Boyfriend."

"Are you you know what you're getting yourself into. I'm far from Girlfriend material. I'll shut you out when I can't contain what goes through my mind. I'm really fucked up Valen like really fucked up. I'm baggage I don't wanna just drag you when you can accomplish so much." I say in denial believing I don't deserve happiness.

"Stop self sabotaging yourself Novah. We all have problem no one's perfect. I accept you as you are, all your imperfections make you human. Stop talking down on yourself. You've gone through imaginable things..things no one should've ever have to go through, but you need to see that you are human. You do deserve happiness, you do deserve all the good things that come your way. Don't think that I'll just dash when things get tough. I'm here for the good and bad because shit happens, things we can't control, and I can't control how I feel about you. I can't control how fast my heart beats when you're near. I can't control how much I like you even though it scares the shit out of me.

My head drops low being overwhelmed but touched by his response. I feel tears prickle my eyes a bit but I try my best to hold them back. "I want this, I want you. I want to be your Girlfriend.

Ngl I've been lacking when it comes to uploading😕. I have no excuse either like I'm on summer break. BUT IM HONESTLY GOING TO TRY TO UPLOAD MOREEE. I'm just so proud of myself for even getting to the 30's cus the first time I tried writing a story I got to like 12 chapters 😭😭. ANYWAYS THANKS GUYS SEE YOU IN THE NEXT CHAPTER


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