
41 1 0

Today I have therapy and it's also my mom's birthday, two in one. She would've turned 41 today. I honestly dont even know how I feel. I just woke up feeling that empty hollowness inside me. Not knowing how to react or what to say, I take a big step and get out of bed knowing that in about 20 minutes Valen would be knocking on my door telling me it's time to go.

I've wasted a good 15 minutes just staring at a blank wall across me getting flash visions of my mom, but as much as I would love to just spend the whole day just thinking about the past. I know she would want me to focus on the future ahead of me. I really didn't deserve to get such a whole hearted mom.


Valen was knocking on my door just like I said he would. I scramble around trying to find everything i need being totally unready after using all my time in my bed day dreaming of what ifs.

I quickly open the door before going back to my scavenger hunt for my things that decided to play hide and seek with me, with valen just staring at the scene before him with amusement lingering in his eyes. "I know we're late in coming." I rush looking for my keys. "Hey, I wasnt rushing you. Take as long as you need." He says lifting up both his hands in defence with a playful smirk resting on his face.

"Ok I'm ready, let's go." I wasnt honestly fully ready but I never really will be huh. "Ok, Nick is picking us up by the way."


I was in my last class of the day Chemistry. I was staring at the clock watching the time change second by second just waiting for it to say 3:30 so we could all get the hell out of here. All I want to do is go to my therapy session, go home sulk and maybe try to celebrate my mom's birthday if I even have it in me. But I cant quite do that right after schools over since Valen and Nick have a game today.
The bell rang through my ears making it aware that school was finally over now. I sling my backpack over my shoulder and quickly walk out the classroom not wanting to stay any longer. I take out my phone to text Nick in our group chat (which I didn't want to be in) where he was since he was our ride home


Nickywicky: Wait you're not suppose to put metal inside your microwave right ?😃

M&M: babe try it out and see

Nickywicky: Thanks baby, is there like a certain time limit or just whatever 😉😛

ValValentines: you cant be actually serious right.

ValValentines: yk what nvmind, put the METAL inside the microwave and hopefully you live to tell us what happened.

Paulyamorous: Valen u always dick riding nick 💀💀

Paulyamorous: and nick no don't put metal inside your microwave unless you wanna meet juiceworld.

Nickywicky: u see Paulina real unlike y'all😒🙄

Novacane: Nick where r u ?

Nickywicky: Omg I feel so honored that your finally using my gc😱🤗

Nickywicky: I'm at the parking lot with My M&M🤩 -Read 3:37 pm


We we're all at Nicks car waiting for Valen. We're gonna go to Nicks, chill there for a while then wait for their game to start while they go to practice.

"Hey" I hear valens voice say creeping behind me. "Bro where have you been, I'm gonna start charging your ass every minutes your late." Nick jokes still annoyed at his late appearance. He opens Michelle's door before going to the driver side and starting the car.


We we're now all at Nicks place, and Michelle and I were laughing so hard tears brimmed our eyes because Valen and Nick decided cramps couldn't hurt that much and tried a period cramp simulator. I couldn't control my laughter until I felt valens hand grip my thigh. My breathing stopped for a second but I quickly hide my tense reaction, we've made out like 5 times and yet I still get tense over these tiny things.

We eventually turned off the simulator since they had to go to practice. "Alright game start 5:30 don't be late, you guys should invite Paulina too. Cya." Valen and Nick tell us before grabbing their backpacks and heading out.

"I'm gonna text Paulina to come over so we can all go to the game together." Michelle tells me grabbing her phone from the floor.

"Alright shes on her wayy" Michelle squeals like a little girl plopping down right next to me


"Why did we have to leave so early it's only 5:11 and we're already here." Paulina groans as we walk inside the school. "Can you stop complaining, you said you wanted snacks and unless u wanna wait in a long ass line then you should be thanking me." Michelle annoyingly rushed out.

"Both of you calm down, you're giving me a headache." I tell both of them shutting them up. We walk to the line that was still kinda packed but bearable. "Ok never mind thanks babes for making us go early." Paulina agrees slinging her arms over Michelle after seeing that the line would've been longer if we came later

We get our snacks and go to our seat which was pretty close to the court so we could see everything.

Time goes by and soon enough the game begins. Our teams comes out getting welcomed with cheers and screams of encouragement and the other team gets the same from their school. The ref blows the whistle and the game begins.


The game is now tied 63-67, their is only a few seconds left on the timer and if they dont make this we lose.

I watch as they pass the ball around until it gets to valen. The sweat tickling down his forehead, he seemed concentrated on the hoop as he finally jumps releasing the ball from his fingertips. The room goes quiet waiting to see who wins and who loses. The ball arcs through the air heading straight for the hoop. The opposing teams defense closing in trying to block the shot. And with a second left on the clock the ball swiftly passes through the hoop.

Everyone from our school erupted in cheers, celebrating our first win of the season. The team all tackling valen to the floor cheering and hugging him in excitement. The ref blows the whistle calling the game and crowing us the winners.

I notice valen scanning the seats looking for a certain someone until his eyes lock into mine. He gives me light smile which I try to return, I'm still trying to get use to this feelings shit that I think I have for him.


"Ok so party at Jake's place anyone?" Nick suggest. "I'm down, but who's Jake again" Michelle asks. "He's in the team, he's throwing a party for the first win of the season." "Shit im down too then." Paulina joins in. Everyone besides me eventually all agree to go to this party. "What about you Novah, you coming?" Paulina asks noticing I haven't said anything

"No I'm good I have to go somewhere after this and then I have something important to do." I turn them down. "Your so mysterious Novah, i love that about you." Nick throws his arm m

He gives me a worried look noticing how sad my face got after day dreaming for a while. I give him a reassuring smile and brush it off. I tell them all goodbye and call an uber to pick me up and drop me off at the clinic for my therapy session.

Thank you guys for reading this chapter, I really appreciate itt. See you guys in the next chapterrr. Love you


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