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(Valen's POV)

Its 3:57 Am and I'm still thinking about everything Novah and I shared, and how vulnerable we both got. I've only ever shared what I went through with my mom with Nick and I've known him for a while. So sharing this with Novah while only knowing her for some months shows me how committed I am to her. And a part of me feels as if she's is too, but I'm not going to let my mind make up if she is or isnt. I need to ask her myself.

"Are you awake" I say quietly not wanting to wake her up if she wasn't already. I fell her shift on the bed turning her body to face me. "I'm up, something wrong?" Her voice comes of small and croaky vibrating through my whole body. "Novah how do you feel about us right now." I straight up ask her not wanting to do say anything but my point.

"Im comfortable around you and dont feel like i need to keep my guard around you, so i like where we are right now. And if your implying what i think you are, im still not ready and i dont know if im ever going to be so i advice you to move on. If you dont want to then please dont expect anything big or special" She says shifting her body away and turning the other way before speaking again, "goodnight Valen, thank you."


(Novah POV)

This is the first time I've woken up in the same bed as someone opposite gender without doing anything and not leaving immediately. Especially after since I poured out my feelings and trauma dumped. I feel different, and I cant tell if it's good or bad. Of course I didnt tell him everything's that's I've been put through on this earth. I haven't even told you guys everything either.

(Auhors note: by you guys I mean the readers if that wasnt clear)

It just feel like today is going to be that type of day. I'll get through it, well I'll try. My eyes wonder around his room scanning everything since I haven't really took in his decoration and items in here. My eyes wonder until they land on a Jersey laid down on his desk along with a basket ball. How I didnt notice that till now I will never know. I knew he played basketball, it just slipped my mind.

Valen walked out with his towel hanging in his torso, showing his v line. His hair wet, dripping everywhere and water also dripping on his defined muscles. Fuck do I sound thirsty right now, I mean I wouldn't mind...never mind.

He combed his hair with his hand pushing his hairslightly back so it doesn't down his face and block his vision. I realized I was staring. A lot. "Yea I'm gonna go..shower. I mean brush my teeth." I mentally curse myself for thirsty behavior and quickly walk into the bathroom so I dont further embarrass myself. I quickly walk past him catching a glimpse of his small smirk probably catching on my slip up.


I do my skin stuff and brush my teeth before changing into the clothes I brought. I clearly was blind if this is what I brought. The top is way too revleaing for my comfort but we're starting to run late and I dont even know what I'd change into so I guess I'll have to power through.

 The top is way too revleaing for my comfort but we're starting to run late and I dont even know what I'd change into so I guess I'll have to power through

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I walk out and see valen laying on his bed scrolling through his phone. I scan my eyes through his outfit and realize were color matching. He's wearing a white hoodie with a navy blue embroidering on the chest with dark blue Jean's and simple white air forced. With his go to rings and necklace.

Why has he become absolutely irresistible all of a sudden. I means he's always been attractive but he's been hitting different lately.

He acknowledges my presence and also scans over my outfit probably thinking the same thing. "You play basket ball right?" I ask the questions that's been wondering my head since morning. "Yea I do, I play for the schools team, basket ball season starts next week."

"So your gonna have games soon huh? That's cool. Ok we gotta go before we run late. Again" I sling my backpack over my shoulder grabbing my keys. "You look good Novah." He says before walking out the door leaving me standing there.

Fuckkk, I need to be put ina cage before I actually pounce on him. In a good way btw


We arrive at school on time before having to split ways again. I haven't painted or drawn anything in like a week. Maybe today I'll go to the park and draw a scene, or maybe go to time square and capture the events there on my canvas. I dont know I just need to d-

A rough shoulder slams into me aggressively causing me to stumble back a bit, "Watch where you're going bro." I tell the person who nearly killed me. I looks to see who they were. It was him.

The same guy I seen with Valen, and target and now at this school. "My bad it was my fault, I'm sorry I'm new here and just dont know my way around." He says fast rambling on with apologies after apologies. I dont why but I feel like I know him somewhere, he just seems so familiar, and something about him seems

"Yea no it's cool just watch out next time, hope you find your way around." I tell him, he looks at me a little irritated but covers it up with a smile. I walk around him leaving him there.

What's his deal does he think I'm going to show him around just because he told me he was new? He was right across from the office, I'm sure he'll find his way. I'm not gonna be late for my wanna be dopliganger.

Heyyyy guys thanks for reading this chapter I just want to clarify something real quick, and this si the only thing I'm going to give away because it can cause problems if I dont tell ysll this little information. Novah does not having any siblings what's over. Use this information however you like. Thanks for reading this chapterrr, see yall in the next one. Love you all


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