Turning point

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'NO NO NO SEBASTIAN ! I AM SORRY !' His mind yelled, screamed, pleaded and cried, hoping Ciel's mouth would say the same.

As soon as Sebastian leaves, Ciel's chest started to hurt, it got harder and harder to breath and his chest started to hurt.

'Sebastian please stop !... this... this an order. But... but he isnt my butler anymore.. right ? I fucked everything up... I lost him.. ' he thought and held his chest
'Didnt you said you would stay by my side ...till the very end ?...
I cant breath... my chest hurts..my heart... ' ears slide down the boys cheek, over the still burning cheek. Ciel get trembling up from the floor but slipped to the side and fell down again, his head hurted like hell. Panting for air he tried to get up but was in aching pain..

'Why does he have to be so selfish ? I always heard the humans are full of feelings, that these are ruling their lives, they make decisions because of them, cry, laugh, love because of that... Why dont he has any... Doesnt he has any feeling ? ..Why does he has to be like that ?' Sebastian lowered his sign and stopped in his walk. Something was wrong, he could feel that. The demons eyes slide down to his hand, where the mark once was, the only thing what held both together was gone. And still...the uneasiness didnt left him.

After thinking over, the not leaving feeling he stopped in his path directly on the street. 'Shouldnt I check on him ? Atleast a peek if he was alright ?' the thoughts took over his mind and his heart started to beat faster. Sebastian could sense it in every inch of his body, something was wrong. Something was terribly wrong.
Stuck in his thoughts he didnt even realised that it had began to rain, big water drops from the sky land on the raven head man. Like a electricity impulse he ran back the path he had come from. 'Bocchan ! I am comming !'
His demonic speed brought the ex-butler back to the so lost looking hut. Sebastian saw all the pain, reflected in this imagine. The old wooden, half broken walls with holes and dirt in every inch of the small house remembered him the painful things he had gone through as he had left this, so called home.
With a hard smack in his own face Sebastian snapped out of the depressing thoughts and memories. He tackled the door amd gaazed around in the room till he saw his master on the floor.

"S-Se....Seba... tian... " the boy panted and was cramped up on the floor, clenching the shirt around his chest thightly, in pain and despair.
Sebastian kneeled down next to the boy and lifted his head lightly and carefull before he slide hos other, slemder hand under the boys kness, picking him up in bridal style holding him close to his chest

"Please... Please forgive me for leaving you all alone.. I am not gonna leave you again" Sebastian whispered gentle into the blue locks near the boys ear with a tear falling from his eye on Ciels cheek. He wrapped his coat warming around his master snd ran through the pouring rain, which got worse, harder.
Panting Sebastian ran through the streets, towardsvtge centrum of London. 'Dont die on me ! Dont die on me ! Dont die on me !' The demon thought full in panic and fear as he arrived the hospital, bursting through the door, yelling for a doctor.

The butler sank on his knees, the weak boy pressed to his chest, tears dripping on the boys face. "Ma... ster" he pressed out and cried softly.
Not expecting anyone to react to this the demon flinched as a hand landed on his shoulder.

Three nurses picked Ciel up, putting him on a lie and just too familar Indian face rushed off with them.

Sebastian looked confused, broken and guilty after the bunch of people till they vanished behind a door out of his sigh. 'Ag... ni ?'
Cracking out of it, the raven head tilded his head and his tear filled eyes widen "Soma...? "

"What the hell happened !?" The Inder shoke the man violently and started at him with a mix from fear and anger. "I knew we shouldn't have leave him with you !" He shouted and let the black coat go.

"W-What. ..I... I dont... understand.. " he asked quietly.
Sebastian couldnt knew the horrible thruth behind Ciel's acting towards him.

Soma wanted to shout again but noticed the small tears, left in the butlers eyecorner.

"... what ?... what do you mean ? Didnt he took his medicine ?"

"Medicine ?"

"Didnt he stayed calm ?"

"What... ?"

"What !? " Soma shouted. "His illness ! Didnt you gave him his medicine ?"

"He... he is ill ?... "


Soma spended four hours on explaining Sebastian that Ciel has a dangerous heart diasese.
Because of the bad conditions they had to live in, Ciels heart problems got worse by every day.
Soma explained that Ciel had looked for him and Agni.
Agni was Somas personell doctor in India.
Now... Now Sebastian gets why Ciel was no interested in fast money, he needed medicaments, expensive ones.

To be continued..

[ Go on and hate me <3 ]

Sebastian x Ciel [] Black Butler yaoi [] The snake who is called lifeWhere stories live. Discover now