>>The new dog<<

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Sorry that isnt hardcore yet....GOMEN

Sebastian looked up at the dark sky, a few snowflakes floating down on his face and gave him a soft coolness. Today he has to start with his new job. The butler had to sell his body for money, money the young master need to rebuilt his firm, he doesnt care for his butler he were in a depression. The earl were in a deep, dark hole which ate everything what wanted to gave him hope, love or even just a smile, he were lost and didnt care for anyone.

Ciel layed in his bed, the blanket over his head and he pretends to be asleep that his butler wouldnt look at him but he did came over to his bed, the only bed, in the mini house and wrapped the blanket thighter arroumd the earl. "I will go now....." he whispered in his usually deep but this time quiet voice.

He knew he wouldnt get an reaction and walked out again. Sebastian always made some food for Ciel and get some water, he had also stolen a knife it were good 30 cm long and 1,5 cm thick, big enough to scare little robber and dangerous enough to protect himself if it was nessesarry, if Sebastian werent arround he could br sure his master were safe.

Sebastian were now Ciel's whore. He would do what other want him to do and wouldnt attack or struggle.... However Ciel had an agreement with a pimp named 'The dealer', he is one of the most successfull pimps in whole London, he once met him on the street and from him he got the whole idea.

The agreement said that 20% of Sebastian win will get directly to Ciel but Ciel wanted more, 'The dealer' got angry and scared him so that he agreed to the agreement. Ciel had no idea what 20% are, if Sebastian get three clients per day and for each ge want 100 £ for Ciel would be left over 20 £ for each client, so 60 £ per day and 420 £ per week and 1680 £ per month. It sounded good to him but the bill never is like this.

Sebastian walked to the house of 'The dealer' he looked up at the three etage high house, with a white facade and red roof without any scratches or broken places, just windows like from the church with little draws inside and a chimney where thick black smoke slowly creeped up to the clouds just to disappear in the grey sky.

The salvia layed like a stone on his tounge as he swallowed all the fear and dissbelieve, then he had to accept that he has to do this now, that he finally has use to his master. His throath was dry like a desert as he knocked on the big, wooden door and felt his cold, demon heart stop as it opend with a loud, scary, cracking noise.

'The dealer' stood right, in his full hight infront of him. The pimp had a black t-shirt with wine-red font, where stood something he couldnt read because the guy had crossed his arms before his chest. Even if that guy had a long-sleeved shirt, which reached till his elbows, he could see the mountain of muscles under it which his shirt traced like a stdeet arround a mountain. Perfect fitting. After he had looked at him his eyes looked up at the butlers eyes "Ahh the new. Come in" he said with a wide, evil smirk, as he had a cigarett in his mouth, the smoke of it came out of his muzzle, it looked devlish.

Sebastian had never really feared something, he always saw it as competion, as oportunity to show his strenghts and to sharp them, to make them better even if they already were the best and not to top. As he looked at the taller male, with those dead eyes, he whished for the first time he could run, runnas far and as fast as he could but instead he nodded short and stepped inside the dark, creepy house, which looks absolutely similar to every other house but Sebastian knew it was no house, it was a pharynx of a beast, a black hole without a chance to escape, just to got dragged deeper inside.


I PROMISE next time it will get hard fir Sebastian but I dont really want ;-; so if I write it please dont hste me....THANKS FOR SUPPORT LOVE YOU ALL

Sebastian x Ciel [] Black Butler yaoi [] The snake who is called lifeWhere stories live. Discover now