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The falling sun, sat everything in a soft red, the houses all ovet the city of rain, the people who fight for their suvival, carriages which carry all kind of ladies and gentlemen to they way upstairs and the golden fields just looked like they melting in a glowing sea of light.

The demon watched the sunset from a roof of a church, soaking cigarett smoke in, between his thin lips and pushing it out again. Red eyes were, pointed on the dying light,which would just rise again,  in the early morning.  The light warm feeling which the sun gave, faded away and just the ice cold dark night was left over.

The demon blooded butler did his work now already for a few month, which meant he started to getting used to it. The pain, which he thought didn't exist, slowly got less. It was like a stab from a needle…. after some time you don't mind anymore if it happens. Sebastian's body didn't fight anymore, it had finally given up.

Days over days he had spend on a roof, smoking, watching and listening. With the passed by time, nearlt all senses of Sebastian got weak, if he had to fight now he would lose. His eyes got darker from job to job, his movements got slower and his thoughts more suicidal.

His dear master he hadn't seen in a week, but still watched over him. Even if he was the reason for all his sorrow and sadness deep unside him, he still loved him, secretly.

Every day got harder, from the job but he had already over a 3/4 together, soon he was free...

Free ? That was the wrong word, he would still be imprisioned if he was done but he wouldn't need to do these things again, never. That were his deepest wishes, he had inside.

Anyway, after hours of serving, his pimp gave him a day off to let another guy try his best.

'I should talk to him, now ! No more excuses !' he said to himself in his thoughts. 

Sebastian left his 'love-room' and changed from, the black high heels and shining corset into his suit, it didn't had the sharm from before anymore but it was better as this slut outfit.

The way outside this brothel was always like a passed exam, you are reliefed that you survived it but sad that you have to come back.

"Calm down, don't chick out now" he mbled to himself and clenched now the so grey shirt abive his chest and tried to push the tears away again.

The butlers hands shook but that was quite normal the last time, he didn't knew why they shook but they did, every day a bit more.

As the raven head walked pass the elementary school for extra ordinary students he imagned his master inside there, playing tic tac toe with his friends, laughing about a stupid joke and learning things like tollerance, respect but also usual stuff like math, English, manners, geometry, maybe a second language and so mich more stuff but reality was hard, he could never be that kind of child, not anymore.

The butlers hands loosen off the metallic fence and his look was concentrated foreward again, 'My master is extra ordinary in his own way' he thought to himself and could force a small smile.

As the demon had walked for his usual 30 minutes hecstood just a half mile away from the hut he had managed to call a home.

'Now ! Now I have to ask him ! Now.' the voice in his head yelled. A last deep breath, a last throat clearing, a last moment before he entered the hut.

The reaction of the once earl of the open moving door was clear, he took his knife and pointed it at the stepped in shadow. He was ready to attack but stopped imefeatly as he reconized his butler "Sebastian, god damnit don't scare me like that !" he growled and put the knife away.

Stepping out of his hide, which was behind the only bed.

Sebastian put a,hand on his chest and bowed a few inches deep, "I am sorry my lord, I didn't meant to.. " he apologized and lookedcat his master intensive. He could already say that ge didn't spend the money on clothes or something like that.

Ciel felt the stabbing looks and glared at him "What ?!" he grinted and put his hands in his hips, and there it was visible a long sword to his side, the handle surounded by small sparklibg stones, the tip sharp and the golden ropes kept it up at the boys belt.

"Its nothimg my lord, I had just wondered what you spended the money for" he said with a lowered look.

"I yes,  for this sword here, and thevleft over money went gone for sweets.. " he mumbled with a shy blush that he wasted mobey for that.

Sebastian sighed in relief and could smile a bit "That sounds wonderful my lord" he said but then remembered what he wanted to say, to discuss, to talk about. "… my lord… what happens if he hace everything back ? " his face got serious and he looked at him

Ciels looked at him a bit confysed "What do you mean ? We will naturely go on like always, I just need a new fiancée" he said with a shrug

That hurted but he shook his head and raised his voice a bit "Go on like always ?! I can never be your butler again !!!"

Sooo yeah yeah I know, I am sorryyyyyy T-T but I had so much exam that I had no time, I hope you enjoyed this chapter <3
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