>> Sebastians gets a new job <<

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Sebastian stood up, early in the morning.

He had found a baker who was willing to give him always a bit old bread and left over water from the day before. It was the only change for him, to get food for his master, without stealing.

The bakers woman, always brought some fresh food for him and always gave the butler a warm smile, something his master had lost long time ago.

She gave him the paper bag full of food and water. "Here. That should be enough for two days." the bakers wife smiled at him. Sebastian took the bag with a shameful smile. "Thank you my lady, I am very thankful for your support".

He smiled, but it was just a mask, he had no reason to smile anymore, drowning in poverty, trying tp escape the cold feelimg in himself, ignoring the cracking sound of his heart, which breaks spart which every single, soundless and painful whimper from his, in secret loved master and judging views from all arround them. He got lost in his thoughts but the warm lightly giggle of the lovely, warm-hearted woman teared him away from them.

"Oh please please but I am no lady" she chuckled and covered her mouth, not showing her teeth to him.

Her big breasts and she had a bit overweight but it let her look like a doll.

Sebastian chuckled and shoke his head "But such a warm hearted person like you must be one" he smiled with the slowly breaking mask. "I have to go now my lady or my master will punish me" the butler replied, knowing every word is true

The woman smiled and gave a light nod. "Alright mr. Michaelis have a save trip home and till next time" she waved him as she closed the door behid her.

The butler walked through the still dark streets and alleys. Through all the homeless and whores he wouldnt ....he couldnt do anything like that. Begging for money, after letting them using your body like a toy. Strange, most times ugly and disgusting people, drolling for screams, sperms and blood which spilled out of the body with tears and pain. Then they throw to you a few old, dirty banknotes as payment for the job. It doesnt matter how many they pay it cant be enough to come over this pain and shame.

After walking a half hour back he came to the old rusty house. Sebastian had stuffed all holes in the hut, he tried to let his master stay in the safe inside but from time to time, even he walked out and inspect the new area. Sebastian always right behind him even if he ordered before, not to follow him all the way.

The young earl growled in anger and disgust as he saw all the sluts and dealer. The thousand of the homeless looked, wide eyed after him, he was still in his precious suit, with white pearls, golden buttons and his ocen blue velvet, fitting to his eye and hair, even if it had holes and rips, his last over stayed honor didnt wanted to exchange it for money, food or also a new cloth .

His heels were blunted and his feets had over all foot blisters with big wounds and blood laces. Ciel Phantomhive was too proud to give, the hope up, we was too blind from hate and fear, that he could have seen the dornwood before the, so wated hope.

Three hours he had wandered arround and had realized that he and his butler were on a themselves. He entered the old wood hut and turned to Sebastian.  "Sebastian....we need money" he said cold and doesnt even jumped a bit or changed his face as he said "You need to sell your body"

{Author note}
Oh my god sorry sorry sorry. It took me a bit long but I had school and exams buuuuut now I am nearly done.

Anyway. THANK YOU. For all your support and votes. I love you all.

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