Sebastian x Ciel [] Black Butler yaoi [] The snake who is called life

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>> It starts with a whisper <<

Ciel leaned on the wall which had soaked the cold and freezy wind which sourrounded him. The big grey buildings arround him just showed him more cold then everyone of his 'friends' did. He had go to them begged to help him in this situation, they all had slammed the door and locked it again, not knowing thatbegging child infront of their door. His butler had proposed to ask the queen. He had remembered her always as loyal, strong, humoric and warm hearted person but all his hope cracked as she didnt even gave him a look. Everyone seemed to advoiding him if its come to money or help. The young earl knew now that his thoughts of the world were right, its cold and without compassion.

He sank to his knees and clenched his cloths and screamed his pain out of his already dried throat. His painfull cries attacked the butlers heart. He wanted ro calm his usually so calm lord but he slapped, kicked and just yelled at him, the tears in his masters face made him sad made him to want to hug him.

Ciel, after a short time of using all his power to made his pain to rush out, he collaped on the ground just to find himself in his butlers arms, Sebastian tried to warmth his little frozen body up and protect him from the cold, which slowly whispered some lines of the death. Sebastian could not do much for his little lord, he couldnt work somewhere else, it would be against the contract but he couldnt let his master in this misery state.

Both passed thousand streets, alleys, rich and poor people, people where the life had say Goodbye. Sebastian hide his master's eyes from brutal szenes of murder and rapsists. The once so shiny future had broken in million, not able to find little pieces.

After hours of walking the raven haired man, had reached the nearly end of London, He walked through an alley to find a little wooden house. Not one of the homeless and drugs addicted people were, not one soul he wondered why but shrugged it off and sat the earl down in a chair. As the butler looked arround in the dark, musty room, he saw because of the moonlight, which send a few shines of dimed light on the floor. He couldnt find a blanket, or just something similar like that, so he gave the shaking boy his jacket, he imedeatly nuzzled into it, what made his butler smile.

Sebastian made a step amd imedeatly the wood under his feets gave a noise as if they would break every second but its all holded together as it was. He walked toward an old desk full of dust, he blew it away, it showed a few papers and a dried ink bottle and a broken feather but not broken ones it was broken, two, three...six times. His blood red demon eyes scanned the piece of wood and saw in the lower right corner was a name incised "John Reager Doomer". He blinked and looked arround "So that is the old home of my masters favorite writer huh ?! Very interesting !" he mumbled, not to wake him.

John Reager Doomer had wrote some books, it was a mixture of the hard reality, in the streets of London with a few hints on fantasy, what stayed in every author head. His kind of playing with the reader, that he ask question which first get awnsered in the next chapter and the action in every decripted fight scene made his books the favoeite of his master. Just have this, master writer, died young, alone and in poverty long before the earl had been born, in this time his books were hated and despised. Through that he never stopped writing and that was his misery. He died on a heart attack then he wrote like an insane as if he couldnt do anything else and collaped on this desk after finishing the last side of his last book.

The butler smiled through that sad sitiation they was in it was one of the most obnoxious places he ever was in but it had a so ingresting story so, its not like he had another choice. For this night he sat in a corner with his shaking master in his arms with the jacket over his body and cuddling to him, just for this night he will warm him and touch him like he hates it, in a hugging position.


so...yeah my first chapter it isnt that bad now ...but I promise it will get very hard ....if anyone even reads it xD

Sebastian x Ciel [] Black Butler yaoi [] The snake who is called lifeWhere stories live. Discover now