>>The new home<<

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Its been a week since everything have had broke apart and had just left over two poor people in a house of the favorite already dead author. Sebastian had no other choice as to steal, how could his master survive if he doesnt.... He brought the food and layed it on the writer table, which had give hin the hint were they where.

Ciel stood up from his bed, which Sebastian had got from a farmer who doesnt need it anymore, it wasnt the biggest bed but it was enough for the young lord, and walked to the table to eat like he had not eat for days but the butler managed it to bring him food every day. As he was done Ciel had left a slice of bread for his butler who eat it fast because he was really hungry. The fact that he was a demon doesnt said that he didnt needed sleep and food, he nedded both like a human but he better get hungry as if his lord would be.

The room they had to live were small and dark through there was no window. In the right corner of the door side stood a shelf for clothes, book or something similar, next to it stood the bed and next to it was a little fireplace. On the other side of the room stood the table and a big caninet it was as big as the room. In a little corner stood a cooker with the stoven.

Ciel stared at his butler "You.....you dont leave me ...its an order!" the young boy said scared of the future what will happen and also angry..angry on everything. That he had lost everything and everyone he could cry but he had no tears left.

Sebastian turned from the stoven, he had cleaned for now and bow a bit while awnsering "Naturely I wont leave your side, you are still my little lord and that wont change" he keeped his warm, usual smile to comfort his lord a bit.

He nodded and saw down at his feets. Ciel swung his feets back and forth and thought over their new situation. He stared at his butler, he felt like nothing had stayed but he. He started to think how it would be to stay with him for eternity. 'No thats wrong !' he thought to himself in anger, he cant feel something for his butler he cant !
Angry on himself he hide under his blanket while curling up like a ball to fall asleep, thinking, dreaming, imagne how his furture looks like.

Sebastian x Ciel [] Black Butler yaoi [] The snake who is called lifeWhere stories live. Discover now