Taking things for granted

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I've been drifting from God and and I know I'm taking some things for granted, and I feel really ashamed for doing that.

I know this is true because of the subject's repetition throughout my day today. At first, my dad and I went to the theatre's to watch a movie and then he got me Starbucks. However, I immediately began to have the drink before saying thank you. He said to me, "Remember to say 'thank you', and don't take things for granted ."

And being the sensitive person I was, I felt really ashamed and said thank you. But after that small dilemma, I shook it off so I didn't have make myself dread such a small thing. However, I didn't know that was the first warning.

When we got home, my mom was waiting for the Nana and my Tata (grandma and grandpa) to drop something off. When they came, my mom told me to come say hi. However, I wasn't really in the mood, but I did anyway.

When I was talking to them, I tried to sound positive and try to get through the conversation. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my family, but I really just wasn't feeling it.

And once they left, I sighed and went to see what they had brought us. Me and my mom opened the bags and saw my Tatas tastiest and most delicious quesadillas-and believe me, they're AMAZING!!!- and then I just felt bad.

I didn't want to talk to them and I'm ashamed to say that I kind of wanted them to leave, yet they still loved us a lot that they came to our house to give us fresh baked juicy quesadillas. I feel disgusted and disappointed after writing that sentence. I love them, I don't know why I would think such a thing. And that was the second warning-but it didn't end there.

The evening got worse and worse because of the same situations from the things that had happened to me. Then the night time came. I was done with a call with my friend and playing the normal elevator on Roblox with them (don't judge me LOL), and during the night, it's usually the easiest time when the devil can put evil thoughts and doubts in your mind. And let me tell you, it did happen.

So when I was done hanging out with my friend, I felt guilt rise in me. I thought of all the things I've taken granted for: my dad, my grandparents, any other things I've taken granted for, but most importantly-Jesus!

I barley give him any time in my day. I now only pray at least once a day, and I barley read his word. And the fact that this man died on the cross for you and me,-Plus the people who hate and don't accept the free gift of salvation-is the most craziest way someone has ever showed how much they loved so many people that would hate him is crazy.

And this thought is what made me break. I cried and bawled and kept on asking for gods forgiveness and told him how wonderful he was and how much I really don't deserve anything because of what I've done.

But though it wasn't strong and clear, I knew God was with me because of my faith. And with my faith and sorrow, I felt myself being comforted by the Lord, knowing that I'm forgiven because I truly am sorry.

And I know the word of the Lord is true because the scriptures say, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." (Matthew 5:4) Plus, this is exactly what I felt as my sorrow and crying was fading away.

I really thank God for giving me difficult situations, even though they never feel good, because then I get to learn from it and grow stronger.

So, if you have or haven't already, give your life to Christ. For the people who haven't. I just want to say, being a Child of God is not easy. However, God loves to help and heal the ones who are broken. And when you give your life to Christ, it is the most amazing feeling ever. I've never felt happier in my entire life when I did, and I pray that you do too.

So if you have the time, just give him a day, you won't regret it :)

God bless you a wonderful Morning, Afternoon, evening, or night! But for my time, Goodnight! God bless you!! May God always be with you!!! 🤍🤍🙏🏻

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