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"You three are being sent to the most prestigious boarding school in France." The head of the adoption center told us. "May I ask why?" She sighed. "Because Rory of your grades. You three have the highest grades in classes and the boarding school is a great place to test yourselves even further than you've imagined. You'll meet new peers and make friends. Plus the school is giving the three of you a scholarship. As long you can keep up your grades in your classes there as well." She said. I looked at my sisters sitting next to me. "France." Venus said. "Rory, it's not a terrible idea." Scarlett said. 

I looked back to Ms.Flower. "When do we leave?" She smiled. "Pack your bags ladies. You're on the first flight out tomorrow morning." She said. The girls started jumping up and down. "God you two really are twins. Let's go." I practically pushed them out the door. I closed the door and we walked to our room. "I can't wait. It's sounds so exciting." Venus said. "Wonder what it looks like." Scarlett added. "We're going there to learn not to fool around." I said. 

"You're no fun." Scarlett said. We grabbed our trunks from under our beds and started to pack. We heard the bell for dinner. "Come on Scarlett." Venus pulled her arm out the door. I stayed behind to finish packing my things. 

"You missed dinner." A voice said. "I wasn't hungry." I said placing my books in my trunk. The sound of footsteps got closer until Ms.Flower sat on the bed. She picked up my chess book. "I remember the day you girls came here. Venus had her bunny, Scarlett had her fox, and all you had was this book. A six year old girl showed up with a chess book. I was so surprised you even knew what it was." She said. "I learned at a young age." I said. She placed the book down.

"Rory I hope you don't work yourself too hard at this school. Yes it's an amazing school but it doesn't just worry about your education. It also helps with you social skills. Which is a skill you have very well avoided all your life." I put my chess book in and closed my trunk. "I have my sisters and my education. I need no other skills and I feel as if I'm perfectly fine the way I am. I have no intention of changing myself for a school. They clearly like me for what I already am. Now may I please be excused to join the rest for what's left of dinner time?" 

"Yes you may." I walked downstairs and sat down next to Scarlett. "We saved you some food." She said and slid her tray over to me. "Thanks." I said and started to play around with the chicken. They have been talking and laughing over school for the past thirty minutes. I stood up and slid the tray back towards the center of the table before walking out of the dining hall. I went upstairs and got ready for bed. 

Rory: 17 turned 18

Nicholas: 18

Will and Jack: 17

Scarlett and Venus: 17

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