Chapter 7

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We headed back to the room. The girls started to do there own thing and I did some homework before hearing my phone go off.

Be ready by 8 and you don't have to wear anything to fancy.

I smiled and looked at the time. Six o'clock. I finished the chapter I was working on and took a shower. Probably not gonna be needed but I shaved just because. I was debating on doing either jeans or a skirt. I texted Nicholas.

Are we going to be inside or outside?

I set my phone down to work on my hair but it went off almost instantly.

Its a surprise.

I picked up my phone to respond.

I don't wanna wear something if we're gonna be out in the cold. My options are jeans or a skirt.

Wear the skirt.

Your an asshole.

I'll remember that later.

I set my phone down to finish getting ready. I chose the black mini skirt with black leggings and I put a white sweater on. I just fixed up my makeup from earlier so it didn't take long. Which gave me the perfect opportunity to curl my hair.

I grabbed a tiny bag to fill with the essentials and grabbed my phone.

Meet me in the courtyard.

Asshole. I walked out and was able to sneak past my sisters. They were in there rooms. I went out to the courtyard and he was sitting exactly where he was yesterday when I kissed him. Drawing again.

I walked over. "Waiting for a special someone?" I asked. "Yeah actually this amazing girl that's finally giving me a chance."

"She sounds stupid." I said. He glared. And I laughed and sat down next to him. "She kissed me first." He scowled. I love this game but I'll be nice to him. "Probably one of the best decisions she's ever made." I smiled.

He closed the sketchbook. "You ready?" He asked. "This isn't where we're staying?"

"No. Come on." He grabbed my hand and we started walking. "Close your eyes." He said. "So you can kidnap me?"

"Trust me." He said. I closed my eyes and he started to carefully lead me to wherever the hell he was talking me. "Okay you ready?" He whispered from behind me. Shivers went down my spine. "Yes." I said.

"Okay open." I slowly opened my eyes and we were in a room. A really nice room. There was a little picnic set up on the floor, string lights were all around the room, a candle was lit in the corner along with some other things.

"Nicholas I-." I turned around. "You like it?" He asked. "You did all this?"

"For you of course I did." He said. I pulled him in and kissed him. "I'll take that as you like it." He said as I pulled away from the kiss.


Currently I was laying down with my head on his lap. He was stroking my hair. "Nicholas." I said. "Or would you prefer Nicco?" I asked. "Whatever you want to call me." He said still playing with my hair. "I thought you hated me." I said softly. Almost a whisper. "I never hated you Rory. I just couldn't ever tell you how I felt. Even if I was pissing you off it was still a way of seeing and speaking to you everyday." He said.

"You know they have a word for that. It's called friends. Ever think that would've been a smarter option?" He tugged my hair slightly. "Would you ever date one of your friends?" He asked. "Of course not. Although my only friend is Bree." I said. He just shook his head in defeat. "I would've broken that rule in a heartbeat for you though." I said after a short pause. 

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