Chapter 2

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When I woke up I was in bed. Last thing I remember was falling asleep by the window. Which I see is now closed. I looked at the clock. Six am. At least I don't have classes today. I stood up and walked out to a quiet dorm. The girls must still be asleep. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the water to let it warm up while I grabbed a towel. I was still in my school outfit from last night. But I had work at eight. Thanks to the help of school and Ms.Flower I was able to get a job as a waitress at the town diner. It was enough to help pay for me, Venus, and Scarlett's clothes and any other stuff we needed. And I had been working there for at least two years now. The owner knew me and she liked me. The job paid well and the staff is always so nice to me. I showered and brushed my teeth before walking back to my room.

I sat down and did my makeup and hair before putting my hair in a high ponytail. I changed into my black jeans and black t-shirt before putting on my cream colored sweater. I walked out to find the girls up. "I'm leaving for work." I said. "Okay well we're going to hang out with the boys. They are going into town and invited us." Venus said. I grabbed my bag and walked out. I wanted to make sure I got to the train in time. 

When I got to the diner I walked into the back room to clock in. "Hi Rory." Bree said. "Hi Bree. you just get here?" I asked. "No I got here like half an hour ago." She said. "Well always good to be early." I said and she laughed. "Yeah I was little too early. I've been in here." She handed me my apron which I wrapped around my waist before grabbing two pens and two pads and handed one of each to her. "Thanks." She said and we walked out of the room. "Oh look it's your sisters." She said. I raised my head and then turned so my back was facing them.

"What's wrong?" Bree asked. "Those boys with her well they aren't exactly the best. And one of them is a guy I hate. If he knows I work here he'll hold it over my head forever. "Rory!" Penelope called. She's the owner. "Shit." I said. "Good luck. I got a table over here." She smiled and walked away. I turned and walked past the table really fast. 

Nicholas POV

"Is that your sister?" I asked. "Yeah she works here." Venus said. "She doesn't like people knowing because she thinks that they'll make fun of her since we don't have much money." Scarlett added. 

Rory's POV

"Yeah?" I said to Penelope. "Why didn't you tell me you're sisters were here?"

"I thought I was in trouble." I said sighing. "No of course not. I'm gonna go say hi. Seems like you're waiting their table anyways." She said. "Wait can you please take their order for me. I can't talk to them something happened." She smiled. "Sure." She said walking over and started talking to them. 

She took their order and brought it back to me. Me and Bree waited by the counter for the food to be ready. "I love this place." Bree said. "Everyone is just so happy." I said looking around to everyone talking and laughing. Including my sisters and the boys. Bree started to hum a song. I smiled and looked at her before I started to softly sing. We started to earn people's attention. Penelope played the melody and Bree grabbed her food. I leaned on the counter to play with the kids and the parent's smiled. "Horses prance through a silver storm." I sang. 

Bree came back over. "Once upon a December." I finished. "Here." I gave the girl a coloring page. "Thank you." I turned and Bree handed me a tray and put the plates on them. "What table?" I asked. "Your sisters." She said and we both looked at the table. "Great." I walked over. "Hey." Venus said. "Hi." I set the plates on the table. "Enjoy." I said and walked away. 

They all ate and then they left and it felt like forever. Me and Bree worked until one before we went into the back room to grab our bags and leave. "How did you do in tips?" Bree asked. "Hundred forty." I said. "The biggest tip was from the family with the little kid I was singing and playing with. Seemed like they had a lot of fun. How about you?"

"Hundred even." She said. "We get paid on Sunday." I said. "Yeah I've worked a little overtime these past few weeks to. With winter coming I need to go get myself some new clothes and my parents are giving me some money but I wanna be independent." She said. "Well your only sixteen no need to grow up so fast." I said and grabbed my bag.

Me and Bree left and walked around town for a little. "So you know the Christmas party the school is throwing before break. Have you got a dress yet?" She asked. "No. I'm saving money so my sisters can get dresses. I don't even know if I wanna go, but if I do I'll just wear one of the dresses I already own." I said.

"Rory you always take care of your sisters. You have to remember to take care of yourself once in a while." She says and we continued walking. I bumped into someone. "Oh my god I'm so sorry." The girl said as her coffee spilled all over me. "It's okay." I said. "In here we can get you a new shirt." Bree said. "I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention." The girl said. "Really it's okay. Have a nice day." I said walking with Bree into the store.

"Shit." I mumbled walking over to the changing room and I pulled off my sweater leaving my black shirt. Which was also soaked. Great. "Sis." I turned around to see Venus and Scarlett with the boys behind them. "Can this day get any worse?" I said. Bree walked in with a new shirt. "I think this should fit you." She said. "Thanks." I took the shirt and she took my sweater. "What happened?" One of the boys asked.

"We were walking and a girl walked into Rory and spilt coffee all over her." Bree said. "I already paid for the shirt by the way." She added. "Bree." I gave her a look. "It's fine. You can't walk around in the cold with a wet shirt." She said. I walked into the changing room and removed my shirt. Luckily my bra wasn't soaked.

"Saw you guys at the diner today." Bree said. I could hear them threw the door. "Yeah we would've said hi but you seemed so busy." Venus said. "You and Rory always put on a show like that?" Jack asked. "No, it's more of just a spare time thing. And it's her favorite song so when I saw she was having a gloomy day I thought it would cheer her up. She said something happened with you two." I changed and walked out.

She handed me my bag and my sweater. "Bree we should go." I said. "Oh yeah okay. Nice to see you girls. And nice to kinda meet you boys." She said smiling. Bree always had the bright side. Part of what I loved about her. "See you two back at the dorm." I said and walked past. "Rory." Bree turned to me. "I'll meet you outside." I said and she walked out before I turned around.

"Nicholas what can I do for you now?" I asked. He handed me a jacket. "It's cold out you should have something." He's being nice. "Who are you and what have you done with Nicholas Rossi?" I crossed my arms. "Just take the damn jacket Pierce." He said. I took the jacket and walked out before putting it on. "He's cute. You two would make a cute couple." She said.

"If you think he's so cute you date him. He's the guy I hate." I said. "But he just gave you his jacket. Besides you know I'm lesbian. I meant he was cute for you." I sighed. "Yes I know your lesbian I was joking. And he is not cute for me. We can barley talk without fighting. Besides Scarlett likes one of his bestfriends."

I hooked my arm with hers and we continued to walk until we reached a bookstore and I stopped. "What is it?" Bree asked. "Can we go inside here for a minute?" I asked. "Sure and they have a cafe. Meaning we can get hot coco." She said and we walked in. She walked to the cafe as I walked to the book I saw threw the window. A limited edition cover of Shakespeare. "Are you gonna get it?" She asked. "Holy crap Bree. Don't sneak up on me like that." I said. "You should get it."

"I can't." I said. "Rory listen do something for yourself for once please. If you want the book get the book." She said. "Now I'm gonna go pick up our coco you go pay for the book." And she walked away. I walked up to the counter where there was this sweet lady. "Will this be all for you today dear?" She asked. "Yes please." I paid and walked out waiting for Bree with the hot coco.

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