Chapter 4

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I woke up in the Nurse's wing. "Good you're up." The nurse said. "Drink this." She handed me a cup. "What happened?" I asked. "You fell dear. On the ice. You came in here with a pretty bad bruise on your head. And you were almost as cold as ice. If Nicholas didn't find you when he did..."

"Wait Nicholas? Nicholas Rossi?" I asked. "He's the one that brought you here dear." She replied and then someone walked in. "Rory you're up." Venus said running over and hugging me. "Ow." 

"Please be careful with her. She just woke up." The nurse said. "We've been waiting for you to wake up." Scarlett said. "How long have I've been asleep?" 

"Three days. Its the 20th." Venus said. "Rory you are free to go back to your dorm if you wish but be careful. Don't work yourself to much please." The nurse said. I nodded and Venus grabbed my things. "I'll tell the boys to leave." Venus said. "The boys are here?" 

"Yeah they came over. They've been a nice distraction from what happened with you. And we're sorry Rory. We didn't want to fight with you and we didn't want you to get hurt." Venus said. "It's okay. And the boys can stay. I just wanna go in my room." They nodded and Venus opened the door. "Hey boys."

"How is she?" Nicholas asked. "Ask her yourself." She replied as Scarlett helped me walk in. "You're up?" Jack said almost as a question. "Good observation skills." I said with sarcasm. "Yep that sounds like her." William said. I shrugged them off and went to my room. Few minutes later someone came in. "Are we past the knocking phase Nicholas?" 

"How are you feeling?" He asked. "I'm fine. Thank you for finding me." I said. "How did you-..."

"The nurse told me." I cut him off. He nodded. "Okay I'll leave you." He said and went to walk towards the door. "Nicholas." He stopped and looked towards me. I went and grabbed a piece of paper off my desk and handed it to him. "I was your muse only fair you were mine." He took the paper. "Feel better Rory. Missed having someone to argue over school with." I laughed. He walked out and I went to sit by the window. 

Nicholas's POV

I walked out of her room and joined everyone else back in the main room. I opened the paper and it was a drawing of me. I smiled a little and closed it up before putting it in my pocket. 

Rory's POV

"Rory wake up!" Scarlett came in running. "It's the day of the dance. Wake up." She ran out of the room and into the main room where I can hear the happiness from. Venus was sitting on the couch yawning. "You guys are such buzzkill."

"You're just really happy because you have a date." Venus said. "When did that happen?" I asked. "When you were still asleep." She said. They've probably forgotten what today is to be honest. Otherwise they would've said something by now. "So she's got a date. And what about you?" I turned to Venus. "I wasn't asked but Will said he would keep me company if I didn't find a date in time." She replied.

"Will likes you." Scarlett said. "I know, he's such a sweetheart I just don't know if I like him anymore then a friend. So we are just going as friends to the dance." Venus followed.

The dance went from four to midnight. My plan was to go with the girls and sneak away later in the evening. Just so they would get off my back. I talked to the school nurse and she said I can start getting back into my normal days so I went for a walk.

It was peaceful. Everyone was getting ready for the dance. "I thought you were supposed to be resting." A voice said from behind. I turned to see no other than Nicholas with a book in his hand and bag on his shoulder standing in front of me. "I was told I'm free to be normal again." I joked. He chuckled. "You going to the dance tonight?" He asked. "I have to for a little just to get the girls off my back." I replied.

"Guessing you don't have a date." He said. "You know Nicholas I am more than capable of getting a date I simply wasn't looking for one and if you are doing this to be an ass then-"

"I was just going to ask if you didn't that you please have a dance with me tonight. That is all." He cut me off. "I'm a terrible dancer." I said. "I find that hard to believe. I thought Rory Pierce was great at everything." He said with sarcasm. He set his book and bag down. "Let's practice." He said and put his hand out. "You could get seriously hurt." I said.

"Worth it if I get to dance with you." He said and grabbed my hand. "Just follow my lead." He started to lead the dance. I tripped countless times over myself. "I give up." I said going to walk away. He pulled me back. My chest hit his. "Since when do you quit?"

"Since this is the one thing that is not for me." I said and pulled away. "See you later Nicholas." I walked away back to the room. The girls were working on shower, makeup and hair. "Rory there's a surprise in your room." Venus said. I walked in and there laid a beautiful blue star sky colored ball-gown. "Did you girls do this?"

"No it was dropped off for you. I think there's a card but we had specific instructions not to open anything." Scarlett said. I walked into my room and closed the door and I heard the girls continue to get ready and giggle from outside. It was currently two o'clock. I showered and when I got out Venus was admiring her dress in the mirror but she had yet to put it on. Scarlett was in her room getting dressed before she was going to do her hair. She really could not wait. "What's wrong Venus?" I asked.

"I feel bad about Will. I know he likes me but I don't know how I feel about him." She said. "You don't have to do anything with him until you do know what you want." I said. "Just stay friends." I finished and hugged her before walking into my room.

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