Chapter 5

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At around four-ish I heard the girls getting ready to go. I told them I would be there late. The truth is I could've been ready by now. My makeup and hair were done. I just couldn't put on the dress just yet. I've been staring at it for the past hour. 

Eventually I put in on and it fit perfectly. Who the hell knew my size so well? A little card fell out of the dress pocket. I leaned down to pick it up and opened it. 

Dear Rory,

It's only fair that the birthday girl should get to shine in her favorite way on her birthday. 

They know my birthday? Only very few people know my birthday and I know Bree and Penelope didn't buy it for me. And my sisters already told me they didn't. And who else would know my birthday?


I walked into the party and many eyes turned to me. Understandable because of my dress but still a little nerve racking. I walked over to the assigned table everyone had. I was with Venus, Scarlett, Will, Jack, and Nicholas. Should've known. Nicholas was currently sitting down while the rest were dancing. 

"All alone?" I ask. "Hello to you too Rory." He said taking a sip of his drink. I pulled out the chair next to him and sat down. "You look confused." He added. "I am. Someone bought me this dress. And I don't know who." I said. "Well it does make you shine." He said and continued to finish his drink.

They had waiters who walked around to fill the glasses as well as a bar area although I doubt they were serving alcohol to teenagers. 


It was around seven and I was getting ready to slip away for the night when a song started to play. One of my favorites. Although it was a slow song which meant it was couple dancing. "May I have this dance?" I was asked when a hand reached out. "Nicholas we talked about this." I said. "Please. One dance?" I grabbed his hand and he lead me to the dance floor where many other couples filled the space around us. "Do you think you can keep up with this dance?" He asked. "Can't be to hard. Right?" He chuckled and everyone including us had started dancing. 

Everything was going great until I tripped over my dress and almost fell. But Nicholas caught me before I could reach the ground. "Can't have you spending another trip the nurse." He said and pulled me up. "You still have that confused look on your face." He said as we continued dancing. 

"It's nothing." I said and smiled. I looked over at my sisters who were having the times of their lives. They looked so happy. And I loved that for them. "Do they remember?" He asked. I turned to him. "Remember what?" I responded. "What today is."

The music had started to come to an end. "And what is today Nicholas." I stated but I really was asking. "Rory don't play dumb. You know I'm talking about your birthday." He said. The music ended and everyone started clapping and laughing and talking. I grabbed my bag and ran out of the room. I went and sat in the courtyard. 

I had my head buried in my dress when I felt someone sit down next to me. "How did you know?" I asked. "Rory I've always known your birthday. We just never got along enough so I never really wished you one." He replied. 

I sat up. "It does make you shine." I repeated his words from earlier and pulled out the paper. "It's only fair that the birthday girl should get to shine in her favorite way on her birthday." I read from the note. He sighed. "I knew you would put the pieces together eventually." He said. "Why? Why did you buy me the dress?" I asked. 

"Happy Birthday Rory." Was all he replied. He looked at me with eyes I've never seen him use before. They weren't pity, they weren't hate. They were something completely different. Almost vulnerable. I don't know why my eyes started to tear up but they did. 

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