Chapter 1

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Two years later.

"Scarlett for fucks sake wake up." I said. She mumbled something. I walked over to the mirror in our dorm and fixed my skirt before putting on my sweater. "You have five minutes to get up before I pull you off the bed. Venus!" She walked out of the bathroom. "She still not up?" Venus asked. "Oh for fucking gods sake I'm up." Scarlett said standing. "Good you have ten minutes to shower and change. Probably about 15 for your hair and makeup." I pushed her towards the bathroom. I looked at the clock. "Shit it's 8:15. Breakfast ends in fifteen minutes." I said. "I'm gonna go get breakfast. I'll see you in class." Venus said walking out with her bag. I grabbed my bag and put my books in before closing it. I walked over to the bathroom door.

"Scarlett hurry up." I said and then opened the curtains. "Rainy day. Great." I said. Scarlett walked out dressed and with her makeup done. "Finally. Fix your hair and let's go." I said. I grabbed her bag and made sure she had everything. "Okay ready." She said. "Ponytail?" I asked. "I want breakfast. So I don't have time to do it." She said. She grabbed her bag and we ran to the dining hall before breakfast ended. Venus was sitting down with her friends. Scarlett grabbed breakfast and sat next to her. 

I grabbed an apple and walked over to a bunch of people I saw huddled together. "No it's clearly impossible." A boy said. "No you just didn't pay enough attention to the game." The other across from him said. Nicholas Rossi. Also known as Nicco or to me the biggest pain in my ass. "I can't get out of this." The boy said. Jack Hendrix. Scarlett's mentioned him before. "Actually you can." The boy's turned to look at me.

"It's pretty simple." I added. Nicholas looked at Jack. "I don't see anything." Jack said. I walked over to the board and moved the pieces for him. "There." I said. He smirked and move his piece. "Check." He said. "I'm letting the girl take over for me." Jack said. I scanned the board. Then I made my move. "Check." I said. He took my piece. I moved my bishop. "Check." He moved his piece.

"Fuck sakes." I muttered. More people had joined the crowd including my sisters. "Check." Now all I need him to do is to take my piece and I'll have a checkmate. "Having second thoughts Rossi?" I asked. In quick move he took my piece. So easy. "Checkmate." I said and stood up properly so I was no longer leaning on the table. "Well shit she got you." Jack said. "You got moves Pierce I'll give you that." He said. 

"I know. Scarlett, Venus, lets go." I walked away and they followed. "That was so cool." Venus said. "The way you trapped him. And then basically distracted him so he messed up and you won. I love watching you play chess. Your such a mastermind." Scarlett said. I walked the girls to their first class before walking to mine. A few minutes later almost all the seats were filled except for one.

"Good morning class." Mr.Tower said. Don't know why his last name is tower. People have such weird last names in this place but especially the teachers. The door to the classroom opened. Bet you ten dollars its- "Mr.Rossi how nice of you to join us five minutes late." Mr.Tower said. Knew it was coming. "Sorry sir." He said. "Take a seat next to Ms.Pierce." He walked over and sat down.

"Your assignment for today will be reading pages forty-five to sixty-five in your textbooks and answering the sheet of questions I'm passing around now." He said and walked around to hand out the paper before sitting back down at his desk. "How did you do it?" Nicholas asked. "Did what?"

"I had you on the edge of losing and you figured out the only counter move that others would've have missed. How?" He asked. "Nicholas I have been studying chess since as far back as I can remember. That move was child's play to me." I said. "Now leave me alone so I can do my work." I added and opened my textbook to start reading. 

Since I was in the same year as Nicholas I was stuck with him for all our classes except one. Thank god. It was one class of peace and quiet away from that asshole. We've hated each-other from the moment we met which was in class second year. The year Scarlett, Venus, and I came here. Apparently he used to be top of the class and I took that from him. Not my fault I'm smarter.

I sat down in the courtyard after classes and pulled out my book. The girls where off doing who knows what and right now the courtyard was peaceful. Until...

"Will come on." A voice yelled. I looked up. Great. William Collin, Jack Hendrix, and Nicholas Rossi. Well they are anything but peaceful so this time is ruined. I stood up and the girls ran up to me. "Rory! There you are." Venus said.

"If it isn't the Pierce sisters." Will said as the boys walked over. I picked up my bag and put it on my shoulder before putting my book in. "Hello boys." Scarlett said. God she makes flirting look pathetic. She thinks I don't know she had a crush on Jack but it's pretty clear. He's in the same year as her and Venus. She stares at him any moment she gets. Surprised Venus hasn't noticed yet.

But to be honest I think she's been preoccupied with something as well. I just don't know what. "Girls come on." I said. "Don't leave the party so soon." Jack said. "It's not a party. It's you three who probably just came out here to drink and fool around." I said. "Wait you have alcohol?" Venus asked. "Possibly." Will said. "We're good." I said trying to grab Scarlett's arm. "Rory wait." Venus said.

"No. I'm not letting you two get drunk with guys you don't even know. I don't trust them." I said. "We're staying." Scarlett said. They know how much I hate the idea of them drinking. Especially when drinking is how dad died in the first place. Drunk driver. Mom had died of overdosing her medication after dad. As far as Venus and Scarlett know they just died in a car accident. I was six. When I was a little older Ms.Flower finally told me the real reason. She was gonna tell the girls but I thought it would be best if they didn't know. They were already upset at the loss of our parents.

"Scarlett." I said. "Just go back to your book or whatever the hell you do to avoid any fun. We're going with the guys." She said. "If you girls wanna come just follow but we're leaving now." Will said. They gave me one last glance before leaving with the guys. "I'll watch them." Nicholas said. "You really just let that happen. You just go along with them so they can drink." I said. "Don't put your anger on me. I go with the guys to make sure that they have a way to get back here incase they get too drunk."

"I don't care what they do tell them to leave my sisters out of it." I said. "You ever think maybe the reason they do all this stuff without telling you or without your permission is because you never let them do anything with their lives? I don't know what the hell you're scared of but you shouldn't be controlling your sisters lives because of it." He said and walked off.

I walked back to the dorm and into my room setting my bag on my bed and sitting in my desk chair. I decided to do some homework since I didn't have much else to do. So I did that before cleaning my room and the sitting area in our dorm.

The girls weren't back yet and it was around dinner time. I walked to the dining hall and they were there. Okay I can breathe now. They were sitting with the boys. The four talking and Nicholas reading. I grabbed some dinner and at an empty table for two. All the other tables were full. But I never really understood why there were the tables for two when the other table were all the really long and even then they had some tables for four. But I also never questioned it because I always sat with the girls. "May I sit?" I looked up to see Nicholas.

"You're probably going to whether I say yes or no so go ahead." I said and he sat down. "The girls are fine. They had one drink and that was it." He said. "Good for them." I said and started playing with my food. "You know I always see you playing with your food but never actually see you eat anything. Except maybe an apple at breakfast."

"I'm just not really hungry." I said and moved my tray towards the middle of the table. "But still you should eat something." He said. "Don't you have friends to go sit with?" He sighed. "Fine I just came over here to let you know about Venus and Scarlett." He got up and walked away. I threw out my food and put my trays with the rest before walking to my dorm and just laying in bed. A little while after I heard voices. "So you boys wanna play a game?" Scarlett's voice. And I bet I can tell what boys she is talking to.

I got up and sat at the bay window type area. It was raining again. I opened my window a little and grabbed my sketchbook to start drawing. There was this really pretty house in the distance. So I drew that from my perspective with the window and rain drops included. 

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