Chapter 9

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I sat up and went to fix my dress. "Nicholas what did do with my underwear?" I asked. He walked over and kissed me. "I have them." He said. "Give me so I can fix myself and we can leave." I said. "You won't be needing them yet. Just fix your dress." He said. "You can't be serious."

"I'm quite serious." He said. I stood up and pulled my dress down. I grabbed my bag and we walked out to his car. I was pouting during the car ride and made it pretty clear to him. "Stop pouting." He said. "First you tease me, deny me release, and now you won't give me my underwear. I will pout if I want to. We pulled up to the house but he didn't get out just yet. "Are we going in?" I asked. "We will." He grabbed my face and kissed me. "Wanna have some fun?" He asked. "What do you mean?" 

He grabbed a box and handed it to me. I opened it and stared at him blankly. "This is fun to you?" I asked. He pulled out the remote the vibrator. "Live a little." He said. "I'm 18. I have the rest of my life to live a little." I said. "We don't have to." He said. I thought about it for a moment. "Any rules that come with this?" I asked. "Just that you can't take it off. And I keep total control of the remote." He said. "And if it gets to much for me?"

"Simply just tell me that and everything will stop right away. We can even have a safe word if you want." He said. "Okay." I took it out of the box. "Champagne?" He asked. "What?" "The safe word love." 

"Oh. Yeah." I said. He helped me put it on right and gave me back my underwear. Such a gentleman (rolling eye emoji). We walked in and my sisters were with the guys talking to some other people. "Nicholas." A girl said coming up to him. "Taylor." He said hugging her and kissing her cheek. "And whose this?" She asked referring to me. "This is Rory. Rory this is Taylor." 

"Nice to meet you." I said. "Are you two here together?" She asked. I looked at Nicholas. "Yes." He said. "Personally we never thought he was going to get a date." She said to me. "Why's that?" I asked. "My cousin is a weird person might you say." I chuckled and a little relieved she said cousin. "Okay Taylor we'll see you later." We walked away. "Would've been nice if you had said cousin." I said. "Who did you think she was?" 

"An ex or something. I don't know." I replied. "Don't be jealous. There is not a single girl in here that I would choose over you." He said putting his hand on my back and we walked into a room where people were playing different games. We walked over to the blackjack table. "Nicholas!" A woman said excited. "You're late." Her tone was more serious. "I'm sorry mom. Traffic." He said. "And who is this gorgeous young woman?" She said standing up. "Hi I'm Rory. Nice to meet you." I said.

"Lovely to meet you dear." She said. "Would you to care to play?" She asked. I looked at Nicholas. "These are all family members and dear friends we don't see it as real gambling." He said. "I don't know your uncle is getting quite angry at losing to me." His mom said. "How much money has he lost?" Nicholas asked. I stayed quiet. "Three hundred. You two should join." She said and sat back down. 

He looked at me. "I don't have that kind of money to be gambling with. I can watch you play though if you want to join them." I whispered. "Nicholas come help me beat your mother." I'm guessing his uncle said. 

"Are you sure? We can go somewhere else?" I shook my head. "No you play with your family. I might go even explore with such a big house like this." He kissed my cheek and sat down. I stood behind him as they dealt the cards. 

I went to go exploring while Nicholas was still playing. The game was interesting but not so much after watching for an hour. I went upstairs even though I don't know if we're allowed to be up here. I was walking down the hall when I saw a room that interested me. I walked in and saw a bunch of kid/teenager stuff. It even had Nicco spelt out with gold letters on the bookshelf. I walked in when I started to feel a vibration.

"Nicholas not now." I muttered. The intensity of it kept going up until I was the point where I needed to sit down. The door was closed and no was up here but I still tried to contain my moans. I opened my phone and saw a text.

Where did you go?

The vibrator intensity went up again and I struggled to type out the answer to his question.

Your room.

I sent it and put the phone down next to me. I started to feel my high coming when suddenly it turned off. I groaned at the loss of feeling. Then the door opened. "I hate you." I said to him. "Someone upset I keep denying her release?" He asked. "Nicholas it's Christmas Eve, what ever happened to giving." I said with an attitude. Then it turned back on and at the same setting it was on right before it turned off. I didn't even have the chance to adjust because he kept turning it up.

I was squirming around because of the feeling. "Fuck." I muttered. "You done with the attitude?" He asked. "Fuck you." I said and he turned it up again. I moaned. "What was that love?" He said kneeling down next to me. "Look at me."

"Rory." He said more demanding now. I lifted my head to look at him. "Such a pretty mess." He said rubbing my cheek. "What do you want?" He asked. "Pl-please Nicco."

"Please what?" Fucking hate him. "P-please..." He turned it off. "Please let me finish." I begged. "And you promise to watch the attitude." He said turning it back on low. "I promise just please." He turned it up again and watched me squirm in my seat. I bet he's enjoying this. I can't believe I ever agreed to this. This is his fucking present for all the holidays next year with how much he's messed with me in the span of a few hours. He grabbed my chin and started to kiss me as he slowly laid me down on the bed, him on top. I grabbed his tie to pull him closer as one hand was gripping his hair.

He turned the setting higher. "Nicco." I moaned through the kiss. "You can finish now love." He turned it up to the highest setting and I threw my head back as he moved my panties to the side and started to mess around. Ugh he's lucky he's cute.

I let out one last moan as I came. He turned it off and smiled in satisfaction. I sighed and started to relax. He removed the vibrator. "We're done?" I asked. "I'm not going to overwork you. I may love seeing you squirm and beg but even I know when the pushing has to stop." He kissed my forehead before getting up and grabbing a towel. He helped clean me up and stand up. I quickly fixed my hair and then his tie. "What?" I asked while he stared at me after I finished his tie. "Nothing." He said. "We should get back downstairs." I said. He grabbed my waist and pulled me back to him hugging me tight. "Nicholas, you're hugging me like you're trying to kill me." I said. He released a little but still remained in the hug. "Nicco what's wrong?" I asked wrapping my hands around his neck and looking into his eyes. Looked as if he almost wanted to start crying.

"It's nothing." He said. I kissed him. "I know this is going to magically make things better but I'm here for you for anything okay?" He nodded. We returned to the party and spent some more time there before heading back to the school.

"Stay." I said as he went to walk away. "What?" He asked. "It's Christmas Eve. Stay." I said. "Rory the girls will definitely find out if I stay the night." He said. "I don't care. Let them find out." I said. "We haven't put the label on yet. It's best if I don't love." He said. "Then let me come stay with you at your dorm." He pushed my hair behind my ear. "And not be able to wake on Christmas with your sisters. I'll see you in the morning." He kissed my forehead and walked away. I walked in and closed the door.

"What's wrong?" Venus asked sitting on the couch with hot chocolate. "Nothing. What are you still doing up?" They had arrived home before me and Nicholas did. "Can't sleep." She said. I sat down next to her and laid down with my head on her lap. "I think I'm unlovable." I said. "Same." She laughed a little. "Why do you think that?" She asked. "Well we got back and I wanted my..."

"Your?" I paused. "My friend." I stated. "Rory, this guy seems like a lot more than a friend. I see how you get every time you think about him let alone talk about him." She said. "We haven't put a label on it. So we're just friends at this point." I said. "Do what you always tell us." She said. "Do what's best for you and the good people will follow your yellow brick road." She finished. "Yeah I really shouldn't have had my Wizard of Oz phase." I said in defeat. We both laughed and I sat up. "Okay I love you, go to bed soon please. Scarlett is going to wake us both up early in the morning." I said. She nodded.

I walked into my room, changed and took off my makeup before going to bed. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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