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Lucas ' s POV

How was class girls" I asked as I drove them back home from ballet class
" Good, we learnt different steps" Heaven said excitingly . I turned to Halo " anything new happen?" She huffed " no , miss Reed doesn't teach us anything she just makes us stretch  all day! And she made us do hard stretches that even Heaven fell " She exclaimed . I frown

" you alright princess " I look at her ankle to see it's a bit red  " ci dada" but the redness of her ankle didn't rassure me ". I should probably talk to her . I pull up Infront of the gate as it scanned my face , hand and voice for security purposes  doing that for one more gate we finally entered the Maison .

" Daddy I think there's someone in the house " Halo whispered . I listen closely to hear a tv noise . Turning around the island to see the person . Marcus. His legs on the table  eating noodles has he drinks something in a mug . MY mug that is written on it   ' the world number 1 best dad ' . I love that mug   " Hey man! Finally  you here" he pulled me in a crashing hug  " get off me , you breathe smells like fish" "  he smirked " does it"  and  start to talk on my face breathing air out " the hell" pushing him away. this piece of shoes.
" Uncle Marc" the girls ran up to him and hug him.

  Marcus is my best man and my  tracker . We met in high school when we were eighteen we stuck by each other since then . He is kind of the mysterious type of man very closed off at first but stupid once you  get to know him. With his appearance curly long hair , brown eyes and moustache  already gives away the type of person he is .He is good with devices for as long that I can remember the same nerd that used to hack the school system.

" I did the background check that you asked me  to " Marcus  took out I file , Angel's file " who is this Angel Reed and why did you want it so bad? " I just roll my eyes " none of your  business " I continue to skim through it

Name : Angel Reed
Age : 25 years old
Relationship status: single  .


Parents :Joshua Reed
Crime records: none
I felt relieved when I saw her records . My Daughters were safe  . I read through the rest

" can you do me a favour  and  watch the girls for me I will be back in a few hours"  " sure " I went  upstairs and took  a shower then dress into something casual  " where you going dad ? " Heaven ask from her position on the couch   " I'm going out I will be back soon" climb in the car driving to the dance school  to talk about Halo's issue and I am also going there because I have this weird earge  to see her.
I pull up once again in the parking lot and went inside  it's quiet , I assume everybody went . I went further  down the hall to see her locking up her hair falling down in kinks wearing a shirt and a black tights that shows her curves.

I wanna run my hands  down to feel her . Concentrate on you task Luc , I reminded myself .

She felt my presence behind her because she quickly turned around startled , before she loses her balance I quickly hold her in place
" Gosh you scared me " she said her brown eyes wide  " Mr Armani how can I help ? "  if you are here to talk to the head mistress unfortunately she is gone already you have to come tomorrow" I raise my eyebrow at her" then I can talk to you"

Angel's POV

This man is going to give me a heartattack with his sudden appearance " Mr Armani how can I help? " " if you here to talk the head mistress unfortunately she is gone already you have to come tomorrow" he raise his nicely traced eyebrow " then I can talk to you"  damn his voice is hot . I clear my throat and step  back because the smell of Cologne was invading my senses , I show him the way to my office 

  " is there a problem? "  " Yes , my daughters are saying they haven't been dancing has they should and the youngest  Heaven came back with bruised ankle I'm just wondering what type of stretches do you make them do."   I look at him weirdly .

" The basic ones not too hard because they are beginners , and the last time I check Heaven didn't have any bruises she fell yes but ,her fall was not bad she has been with me for two hours and it would have shown but it didn't so I don't think that fall is the cause of her bruise . Maybe she scratch herself on her way out " 

" I don't think you are professional with this title of yours " the hell who does he think he is " sir If you're doubting my teaching skills you are free  to put your  daughters into another school "
he raised his eyebrows at me " do you know who I'm I can remove for your post" I scoff  angrily" No I don't know who you are and I don't care about what you're capable to do but what I do know is that you're in MY office and I won't let you ,whoever you are disrespect me "  I expected him to talk back  but all he did was look . I blush of embarrassment  . Maybe I talked too much " if you excuse me I gotta close up my office it's getting late " I stood up and he did the  same he walked out and waited outside I lock the door " good discussion miss Reed " a discussion?! " I waited for him to get out first then I follow  coming out I was met with darkness. Great , he stupidly made me waste my time now I got to walk back home at night in the dark.
Hi guys , how y'all ? Just here to apologize for the late update I didn't really have much time during the week that's why but I'm mostly free during the weekends so I'll do my best to update on these days .

And how do you find the story so far?the characters? Lucas is really trying hard lol
I hope you enjoyed it

Thank you!

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