Chapter Twenty five

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" Sir here are the information about the business " Maria , my secretary hands me a blue file of the business company I want to Invest in " Thank you " I say briefly . From my peripheral vision I see her slightly leaning towards me . " do you need anything else , sir ?" She says with a seductive tone " No " I reply with a bored tone not sparing her a glance as I move my chair away from her .

Why doesn't she understands personal space ?

" Your work awaits Maria , instead you are here trying to shamelessly seduce your Boss " I give her reprememded look . Her eyes goes wide .

" I-I wasn't trying to flirt , sir " She says nervously . " It's against Cargo trade policies " I remind her as I go through the file she gave me not sparing her a glance . " So if you want to keep your Job here respect it . " I finish my sentence by looking up from the file and looking straight at her " Y-yes sir " She quickly turns around and practically sprints for the door before she can reach it I stop her .

" I hope you didn't give Miss Reed too much work" Maria slowly turns to face me ." She asked for it " she mumbles to herself but it is loud enough for me to hear it . " You said something Maria ? " I ask taunting her trying to see if she will continue to say more crap about Angel " No sir "

" And to answer your question sir, I didn't give her too much work just files that needed to be arranged " I nod " Good. She was kind enough to volunteer to help us out but that doesn't mean you should bombarded her with lots of work " I give her a pointed look knowing well she isn't fond of Angel

" of course sir ." I nod " you're dismissed " I tell her and she hastly walks out of my office . I sigh .

I need to get a new PA .

I see Marcus calling me on my phone I accept the call " What is it ?" I answer after the first ring . " Good morning to you too , Lucas " Marcus says dryly , I chuckle " Sorry man , but seriously what is it ?" I ask as a sign the file .

" New packages of cocaine has been trade in exchange of guns . I told Diego to send you an email , have you received it ?"

" I think it arrived I just haven't checked those emails yet . " Talking about emails , I recall Angel being in my office and she might be checking my emails by now . An uneasy feeling settles in me but then I remember that there is a password and it has been updated . " Don't forget to check it out " Marcus reminds me " I won't "

" By the way , what are you doing tonight ? I was thinking we could go to the new club that opened a month ago down town , and I need a break , work has been keeping me busy , and you need it else well " Marcus says trying to persuade me and hinting something else .

I turn my chair towards the view through my floor to ceiling windows . " I'm not interested " I say to him

. " Why ? If you're worried about the girls , there is no need to . Your parents are back in town remember ? They can watch over Halo and Heav " I sigh

" It's not that man you know I'm kind of seeing someone . I don't want to ruin the chance of being with her." I say thinking about the woman down the hallway that has been consuming my mind since the very first day I met her .

" Still that Angel girl ,huh ?" I smile at the mention of her name " yeah " Marcus chuckles " you sound whipped as hell "
" You have no idea "
" Then ask her out already " He says sounding a bit annoyed , I roll my eyes at him " soon "

Marcus lets out a freaking long ass snort in a mocking way . Goodness .

" Soon my ass . She might be loosing interested in you right now because you aren't serious about her to ask her to be your girl . " I quickly sit up at his words " No she wouldn't shut up " I growl .

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