chapter Sixteen

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Angel's POV

Once Lucas is gone I go inside to plan the activities with the girls " what do y'all want to do ? " I ask them , Halo ignores me and continue to play games in her iPad " let us play dolls " Heaven says bouncing up and down " sure, do you want to play too Halo?" I ask her " no thanks I'm good " " alright"

After an hour of nonstop playing dolls I get them ready for dinner
" Do you pray before you eat " I ask them
" Sometimes other times we don't and just eat " Halo answers " then we shall pray if that is okay with you " I say looking at them " " it is okay "

" Thank you Heavenly father for this day and food that is about to be served bless it and provide for those who don't have in Jesus name amen"

" Amen"
" Men!"

The food is served gravy with mash potatoes , carrots and bread . " This again ?" Heaven whine , I frown
" You eat this every day " I ask
" Almost every day " Halo answers " why don't you change it ?" I say looking at the red gravy
" We only do when dad cooks for us when he doesn't our chef cooks this "

After we finish eating dinner we watch cartoons for a while then I get them ready for bed . I prepare their clothes and their maid give Heaven a bath .

" You know how to bath right ?" I ask Halo " of course I do " she say walk in the bathroom few minutes later she comes out towel wrap around her and sop still on her face and arms " there's is still soap on you love let me wipe it off " I go and wet a towel then start wipping the parts of her body that is exposed . While doing it I can feel her eyes on me

" there " I say stepping back " you should scrub yourself well especially on your ," I trail off her face turning red as a tomato " yes I know " Halo says looking away " I will ask for you a body sponge so that you can scrub with it " she nods " thank you " she says softly looking at me I smile " you are welcome" I let her get dressed and go check up on Heaven once she's ready I tuck her in "Good night Heav" " Good night Angel " I switch off the light and leave the door slightly open I do the same for Halo's room once I see her already in bed I go to my room to sleep.

The next morning I wake up early shower then get dressed into a high waisted denim jeans and a pink tank top. I pull my hair into a low bun then make my way to the kitchen I see the chef the girls were talking about taking supplies out for breakfast .

" Good morning , I'm Angel the girls babysitter" I greet " Hello " she says glancing at me then turning back to her business . I take a peek at what she is cooking to see a pot full of oatmeal " they eat that every morning ? " My noisy ass ask . " Yes , they need some meat in they are just too skinny " she nods at what she said . I frown that is just mean to say .

I know how it feels to be told that I have been told that my whole life and that made me self-conscious about myself and I couldn't do anything about my body because no matter how much I eat I gained weight but never got fat I only did in my twenties and just because you are skinny or fat it doesn't mean you should be deprived from good food it is good to enjoy yourself once in awhile.

" You don't have to worry about their food for the rest of the week, you can take the day off " I offered kindly " says who ? " She said rudely " Says me . Mr Armani left me in charged with everything that concerns his daughters and that includes their eating " I challenge her back . And it is the truth , he made me know that everything that concerns his daughters are under my concern " Do you want me to call him to prove it to you " I say getting ready to type his name to call him. She scoffs and walks away.

She might just end up poisoning the girls .

I prepare for girls waffles , bacon , eggs and milk then go wake them up. I t start with Halo
" Wake up love" I slightly shake her and she stirs open her eyes and smiling up at me. She reach out to me and i pick her and carry her to her bathroom . After she brush her teeth then I wipe her face with a wet towel " let get all that sleepiness out " I rub some more and she groan into the towel .

We finish and we go wake Halo up . Heaven runs to her sister's once we get in . She struggles to climb on the bed so I pick her up and place her in it.

" Wake Lo Wake up ! " Heaven shakes her . Halo stirs open her eyes and smile and her sister " where is daddy " she asks then turns to me and her expression changes into an annoyed one " oh " she mumbled lowly . I ignore it and smile at her nonetheless . " Morning Halo , how did you sleep " I ask " good" she answers dryly " breakfast is ready downstairs I didn't know how y'all eat so I made a few" I say " alright if you excuse me I shall get ready " she says getting up " of course " I go to take Heaven to give Halo some privacy . She quickly grabs Heaven 's arm " she stays with me " she says sternly " oh , okay " I go out and slightly pull the door .

I sigh , one minute she likes me the other she don't.

I go back in the kitchen and heat up their breakfast . Few minutes later they both come out and sit in the dining room table . I go to serve them" I made waffles , bacon , eggs and milk for you hope you enjoy it " I smile at them

They start eating " is it good? " I ask
" Delicious! " Heaven exclaims eating everything on her plate I chuckle .
" What about you Halo ?" I ask her " it's alright " she says .

We finish eating then they go take a bath . After that I go play with Halo " let draw ! " She says excitingly I bring out the equipment " come join us Halo " I call her over " no thanks " she says continuing to watch tv " it will be fun " I try again" yeah Lo , it will be fun please join us" Heaven pleads her Halo hesitate then give " alright " she joins us in back yard where the arts and crafts are place with snack .

She sits and starts to draw silently .
" What you drawing Halo ?" I ask trying to make a conversation with her " a woman " she replies simply " ouuh what is she doing ?" " Dancing " I take a peek at her drawing to see a silhouette of a woman leaping " wow that is a good start you good at it " I smile at her " I know " she says confidently , I chuckle . We finally got Halo to play with us the and I am happy she is slowly opening up to me

That goes on the same for the second day . I will cook them breakfast then we will do all kinds of activities but on the third day though it is different .

I prepare the snack for the movie we are about to watch " Halo can yo- " I'm cut off by a gunshots follow by a the shattering of the large living room glass doors I quickly get on the ground alert " Halo ? Heaven ? Where are you " I shout after hearing more windows on shattering and screams . I follow the screams that lead to a small room under the stairs I get up from my crawling position and hastily open the door .

I see Halo and Heaven hugging each other for dear life " girls" I sigh relief they both come to me I can feel Halo shaking I look down at Halo to see her with a blank look on her face " I'm scared angel I'm so scared " Halo says still shaking in my arms " it okay ,love nothing is going to happen to us " i reassure her . After a while the screaming and shooting stops I call Lucas .

" Tesoro " Lucas says softly once he accepted the call " Lucas" I say panicking still not knowing what is causing the gunshots . " What is the matter " he ask alert " we are being shot at" I say slightly panicking . " Where are you right now ? Are the girls safe?" " We are alright. We are hidden in a room under the stairs" I say now eyeing the room . " Stay there till the shooting stops I'm sending more guards right now and if something happens there is a gun underneath a cushion use that to protect yourself " he says calmly " alright " I sigh " I'll be back as soon as I can ."

The call goes off and I hear the door being unlock I go to take the gun underneath the cushion when the door suddenly opens . I point the gun at the two armed men
"Stop searching , we found them"

Hello people
I hope you all doing well . So this was what I was talking about , something wrong had to happen and this ain't the end yet 😉.

This chapter was meant for Christmas day and since I didn't published on that day I'm updating it now and this y'all Christmas present ヽ(。◕o◕。)ノ.

Who do you think are those men? And what do you think they want ?

Find out on the next chapter .

Love ❤️
~ Ali~

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