Chapter Eleven

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Angel's POV

I pull him out has I hear distant giggles to his car. I turn around and he is already looking at me . " You are gorgeous Angel " he say , saying my name breathlessly . I can't help but smile at the way it sound .
"Thank you , you look handsome " I say " I always do" he boast I roll my eyes at his arrogance .

His dark brown hair is gel backwards with few strands falling over his blue eyes now that I actually take a second long look I now realise how is outfit matches with mine . He is wearing a mahogany blazer and a black shirt and tourers and shoes .

" How did you know I was going to wear the exact colour of clothing? and don't tell me you were observant" I narrow my eyes at him
He chuckles " this time it wasn't me whom were observant it was actually Halo she pointed it out and said that your teaching attire is usually brown or beige so I figured it would work out because I had no ideas what colour you would wear and it did I just added black and black goeswith everything right?"
" Yes , you can say that " I chuckle happily admiring his taste about colours in fashion . I can definitely add that in ' things to know more about Lucas' list.
" Shall we go? " " We shall"

He pulls up Infront of a huge building with a blinding red sign that says 'Bellas'
" You brought me at the Osteria Francescana ?" I ask , turning around to face him. " I did , you don't like it ?" He say searching my eyes for signs of dismay " Of course I do ! I have always wanted to try their dish but I never had time" I assure him . It is true , Layla and I always wanted to go there be each other's date and try their dish after looking up and saw that they offer tradition and contemporary cuisine in the tasting menus and we have been saving up money since then and waiting for the right time to go. We promise ourselves that we won't go unless we are together and I broke that promise.

" Then now it's your chance to try , come on" he goes out and quickly rushes to open the door for me I smile at his gesture ." Thank you" we enter and arrive at the reception " Prenotazione per due a nome Armani( reservation for two under the name of Armani) " "This way please" say a lady with a thick Italian accent .

We follow her into an elevator I hope you don't mind that I reserved at the third floor I just didn't want too much of attention" I don't mind " we walked in to a huge room with chandeliers and fairy lights ,a huge window overlooking the city lighten up. " Wow " I mutter to myself he lead me to a table next to the window and pull my chair out for me " thank you"

" what do you choose for starters?" He ask . I pick the menu nothing on it seems familiar I finally see something that is understandable the second dish on the menu " I say . The waiter comes and take our orders " Five ages of Rarmigiano Reggiano for the lady and Culatello Antiche Razze for me" Lucas orders and serves me some red wine .

" so tell me more about you" I say after tasting the wine that was delicious" well you already know I am a businessman and have two daughters, I'm the second born of my family" he state " you have an older brother?" I ask" An older sister three years older actually" " and the business was given to you?" " Yes , she was a bit irresponsible so my parents pass it down to me " Lucas answers " and how is she right now?" " Good I think" I give him a questioning look " we became distant after she gave all her time to her boyfriend so I don't really hear much from her " " oh" I mutter that is really sad siblings are supposed to be united I couldn't imagine myself being distant with my brothers , well my cousins.

The waiter comes and serves us the starters . " What about your parents?" " They are healthy enjoying their vacation in the Philippines, " And you ? " He ask after taking a bit from his food " I'm the only child , I live with my dad and the women you saw were family friends the older my dad's personal nurse and the other is my girl friend." " What about your mum? " I still for a moment I haven't mentioned about her in awhile

" my mum died when I was eighteen "  he gives me an apologetic look" I sorry for asking about a touchy subject" Lucas apologize I just nod and continue to talk ,

" she died when I was in the middle of my senior year of high school and in the middle of my ballet course . I had to stop going to school since my dad fell sick because of her death to take care of him and I had to work for his health care . I worked and I also street danced and that actually made me a ballerina" he looks at me intrigue " were you able to finish your studies?" Lucas ask his eyes wide as he listens to my dramatic life years ago.

" Yes I was able with the help of an old dancer that saw potential in my dancing and volunteer to pay for my senior year of high school and University fees and with that I got a degree in professional dance and art" Mrs du point was my godmother sent from heaven saving me from my hard times and helped me come out of my years of struggles and for that I will always be grateful.

This was the longest chapter I have written so far.( The picture above is Angel street dancing)

Hi guys I hope you all doing well like I am  . I apologize for the late update and I know I can't keep on apologizing and making you all wait but writing chapters are difficult for me since I'm surrounded by six other people at home I just couldn't find the right place and time to write so I'm sorry once again

So how did you find the chapter? Angel finally opened up about her past life and y'all got to know about her mum. It is the saddest thing and I just can't imagine how she feels about her mum and Mrs du point , yes she too past away sadly.

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Lots of love

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