| Chapter 3 || Stars || Tubbo |

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A/N I'm going to translate all the ender in this chapter, so look in the comments if you want that.

I began to take steps down the old stone hallways. Their cold, stale air filled my mouth with the taste of dirt and grime. I shrugged off the gentle feeling of dread that began to ball itself up in my chest. The fact that it was there worried me, but I'm sure it's nothing too serious, just some leftover anxiety from my crying a few minutes ago.

The flickering light of my lantern made the shadows dance with drastic moves. The deep cracks in the walls seemed to grow thanks to the constant movements of the shadows. Cobwebs only made themselves known when they were mere inches away from my face.

I turned down various hallways, deciding I'd go left whenever I found myself at a fork in the road in an attempt to keep myself from getting lost. But soon I found myself staring at a dead end. It only took me a moment to decide to turn around and start heading back home.

The memories that had forced themselves to the front of my mind have long since faded into the background and these stone halls were filled with a suffocating cold that I was more than ready to rid myself of. But as I began making my way back I started to realize something. I tried to push it off as a trick of the light but fear had already begun to grab hold of me. These aren't the same hallways I had walked down before.

I broke into a frantic jog as I continued taking right turn after right turn. Frantic, fear-filled thoughts began to run through my mind. Gods, this can't be happening, this isn't real, I'm not lost, I can't be lost. The ball of dread that had settled in my stomach began to claw through my entire body.

The walls began to blend together in a maddening mess of darkness. My lungs began to burn as I started to run. The exit has to be around here somewhere. Where could it have gone? I have to find it. Desperation began to overtake me, but there was nothing I could do besides panic. Coming here was a mistake, I should have just woken up Tommy.

My panicked running came to a halt when I noticed a gentle light coming from around a corner. I continued forward, hoping that it might be from an exit. This hope was soon crushed when I found myself standing at the threshold of a room lit by a central magical structure and pools of lava. I know I should leave and continue with my search. But the unnatural light flowing from the structure at the top of the staircase was so enticing. I couldn't help but walk forward and begin to ascend the ancient stone steps.

Soon my gaze was locked on the swirling pool of stars that sat in the square frame below me. I crouched down to get a better look at the enchanting greens and blues. I set my lantern down next to my feet and placed my hand on the frame so I could lean over it, but the smooth eye of ender I placed my hand on had other ideas. I slipped and fell face first into the pool of stars.

Fear filled me as the world grew distorted. It shifted and twisted before being pulled apart. Stars surrounded me, and a sickening feeling filled me just as I began looking around. My organs felt like they were being tugged and turned in ways they were never meant to be tugged or turned. My mind was fuzzy and a daze fell over me that only grew stronger the longer I fell through the disorientating rift in space.

A sharp pain split through my chest as I suddenly hit solid ground. While looking up at the spinning ceiling above me I began to hear the buzz of distorted voices, voices filled with panic. I slowly sat up in an attempt to look at whoever was speaking. It didn't work too well seeing as in moments I was hunched forward and retching up a string of vomit.

The voices became more clear but they still didn't make any sense.

"⟟⌇ ⏁⊑⏃⏁ ⏃ ⊑⎍⋔⏃⋏?" One voice spoke.

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