New place, new encounters! ♡

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Those are all the characteristics you have.

Your name is (Y/N). You are a 21 year old girl with a..quirky personality. You always had a cheerful friendly expression on your face. I mean, you loved to meet people and give them some sweets (mostly cookies). You were also a big hugger. No matter what kind of personality people have, you would always hug them for no apparent reason whatsoever.

You had recently moved out from your dad's house. You needed to find a good job somewhere. A job that pays well, has good management, and good workers. Luckily, you found a place that has jobs with all of the characters you expected.

Mandela County.

You had heard about this county before. The county is currently in a deadly situation causing danger towards people's lives. And that deadly situation is..


You remembered that you learned about Alternates and that they are dangerous creatures that will inflict death onto you. Knowing you though, you always believed that people, dangerous or not, always have good inside of their hearts. You believed that every single person in the entire world, regardless if they are human or not, have a piece of gold in their heart.

With that belief, you wanted to be friendly to those Alternates. So you decided, 'Screw it. I'm gonna move to Mandela County.'

What could possibly go wrong?

So you moved to the county. And let's just say that you weren't expecting the county to be so..gray and dull. That was weird. You had never seen a place that has the colors of an abandoned city. You assumed the Alternates were causing the gray and dull colors to appear. But oh well, you dealt with gray and dull before. Like I said...

What could possibly go wrong?

As you moved into the neighborhood, it was even more dull and gray. There was nobody walking, so the entire neighborhood looked all empty. Now you were getting concerned about the people in the neighborhood. You hoped that the Alternates did not hurt them. You didn't even met them before but your selfless instincts were kicking it. You decided to check on them.

After setting your stuff down at your new home, you went to a nearby house. You rang the doorbell, nobody answered. Huh, that was weird. You were confused. Maybe they went out? You went into another house.

You rang the doorbell and knocked on the door. No response. 'Okay, maybe they went out as well.', you thought. You walked to another house

Ding Dong! No response.

And then another house..

Ding Dong! Again?

And then another house..

Ding Dong! Okay what the hell is going on?

And then another house...

Ding Dong! At this rate, you became more concerned for this neighborhood.

At this point, you became worried. Why was nobody responding? Is this a busy neighborhood? Wait..What if the Alternates already killed your neighbors!? Maybe the Alternates were more deadly than you thought. You decided to walk back home for your safety.

As you were walking back home, you found a dark haired man wearing a suit walking to his house. You were surprised to see him. 'Maybe he might be part of my neighborhood!', you thought. You went into friendly mode and decided to meet him and ask about this neighborhood. You walked up to him.

"Hi! My name is (Y/N) (L/N)! So nice to meet you! I am new here in Mandela County so..How are you?", you said with a cheerful tone, sticking your hand out. The dark haired man looked at her confused.

"Um, hi. My name is Cesar Torres.", he said hesitantly as he shakes your hand. "You said you're new here?", Cesar asked a question. "Yep! I needed a decent job so I heard this county has awesome jobs! So I decided to move here!", you said with a big smile on your face.

"Well..I'm sure you'll enjoy this place.", the man said with a calm expression. It had taken you by surprise but you didn't care.

"Uh heh yeah uh quick ol' question..What the heck happened to everyone in this neighborhood!?", you shouted at Cesar a little bit.

"Calm down, ma'am. They are alright. They are hiding from..inconveniences.", Cesar said with a pause there. "Inconveniences?", you said, confused.

"Yes. The inconveniences around here are..not as important as you think. So do not worry..about them.", he said with a couple pauses. "I need to go home now. I have a busy task to do.", the calm man said.

"Um..okay?", you responded with a nervous smile on your face. Cesar walked past you with a monotone expression on his face. You were still confused at his answer. I mean..Inconveniences? What kind of inconveniences. The alternates perhaps? Maybe it couldn't be the Alternates. I mean like he said, the inconveniences are not really important as the alternates were. You were still having that bit of confusion, but you proceeded to go home. You needed to be ready for getting hired tomorrow.

~next day~

You woke up with a good mood, as you were ready to earn that job as a cafe worker. You got up from your bed, took a shower, ate breakfast, and prepared your belongings. You went outside, excited and happy despite the boring colors of the neighborhood and drove off to the cafe for your job.

After driving for a bit, you realized that you needed gas. Fortunately, you found a nearby gas station with some people in it.

As you refilled your car with gas, you noticed that it has suddenly become awfully quiet. Weird. At first, you saw people walking with groceries but then next, it's like they all vanished into thin air. So what's going on?

As you patiently waited for your car to get finished, suddenly, a black shadowy figure with white eyes jumped down right in front of you, startling you

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As you patiently waited for your car to get finished, suddenly, a black shadowy figure with white eyes jumped down right in front of you, startling you. You stared at it with wide eyes as it stared at you back with those unsettling eyes. It was whispering something to you. Normally, when people see this creature, they would be scared, shocked, and would run away. However, you uh-

"Hi! I'm (Y/N) (L/N)! What's yours?"


You held out your hand with a friendly expression on your face. That's right. Your friendly instincts are back. And they are even stronger now.

The creature looked at you with a confused look on his face. He whispered something again. However, you could not understand what he was saying. You tilted your head. "I'm sorry?", you said confuzzled.

You then noticed your car was finally full of gas. Well, time to say goodbye to this weirdo. "Heh, sorry dude. I gotta go get my job now.", you said with a kind expression. You removed the nozzle off your car and you get inside your vehicle. The creature walked toward you.

You rolled down your window, forgetting something. "Oh, I forgot! Here's a cookie!", you pulled out a chocolate chip cookie and gave it to the creature. "Have a good day, sir!", you greeted him goodbye as you drove off.

The creature was left there, standing completely idle with the cookie in his hand. He had an expression that basically said, 'What?'


Mandela Catalogue: Mirth ♡Where stories live. Discover now