A new heavenly friend ♡ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚

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I gotta admit.

I am very proud of this chapter 🥹🥹

Like really proud.

I know I made it wholesome.

But you know..

Wholesome stories are so cute to say the least.

It's rushed but..

Enjoy the story.

~Second Person POV~

*opens door and gets out*


Wow, you really made my ears bleed, (Y/N). That was the reaction you made when you finally got your job as a cafe worker. It was a bit of touch and go for a while but you managed to earn that job. There was one thing that was strange though.

While you were confident into earning that job, you were also a bit concerned for the cafe people around you. During all that time, you saw that many of your workers and customers (not like there were a lot of them) were very paranoid and somewhat scared. Even your manager was acting like this. Could it be the "inconveniences" that Cesar told you?

Or is it the Alternates they were scared of?

You didn't know but you didn't try to care as you didn't want to mention to them about their paranoid behavior. You were friendly with them and you quickly became friends with them. The manager was acting like a paranoid asshole but you did not take offense in his insults. You've dealt with Karens. What could go wrong?

You were finally excited and ecstatic as you were ready to pursue your life in Mandela County.

Well despite the eerie atmosphere...

Anyway though, you needed to buy some snacks and other necessities so you went to a nearby convenience store. It was opened but there was nobody there. Oh well, nothing could go wrong, right?


Okay then.

You went in and began to buy some donuts, juice boxes, and boxes of chocolate chip cookies. You were a bit crazy with cookies but..well there's no good sentence for that so let's assume there's nothing normal about you so there's that. While you were buying, you noticed the store cashier was acting kind of..confused but also a bit shaky. You didn't make any assumptions as you were hella busy with buying some nice treats for you and your new friends.

As you were paying for all of that crazy food stuff, you were friendly with the cashier as you asked questions that friendly people would ask someone they met. The cashier didn't answer as he stuttered. Was he a shy person? Was he also paranoid like the cage workers?

You were pretty sympathetic with him though. You did not mind people who were shy. After giving him a cupcake, you went out and put your groceries in the car when suddenly, your form was shined on by a very bright light.

"What the heck?"

You shielded your eyes from the blinding light and after it went down, you uncovered your eyes to see..

A fucking Angel.

An Angel who had long blonde hair, wearing a white tunic-like robe with gold filigree lace on the neck and he had huge wings (I don't know if he should have wings or not so just bear with me please). He was about 6ft in height so he was really tall than you as you were petite. (I apologize to all the tall people reading this-). His most prominent feature you easily noticed was a black square covering his face.

Mandela Catalogue: Mirth ♡Where stories live. Discover now