Mansion Troubles and Angel Discussions ♡

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First person to catch a reference in this chapter will earn a cookie from me! (It's easy. I know you can get it :)🍪❤️

I am not really proud of this chapter, so I apologize if this chapter is boring. I also feel like I made "Gabriel" out of character. Don't worry. Next chapter will not be boring and it will feature a special character from the series (hint: they are part of the Bythorne Paranormal Society.) I will try my very damn best to make this story very entertaining and interesting.

Don't be afraid to give me any feedback/criticism on the story.

~Second Person POV~

After Gabriel gave you a huge tour around the huge mansion, you were free to do whatever you want in this mansion as the Angel had something to do. You want to hang out with his friends you met earlier. They acted sorta nice to you..Eh, but let me explain..

Stanley was awfully nice to you. He was a good gentleman like Gabriel. He wasn't really freaking out and stayed calm when Gabriel showed off hostility at him and the others. You already warmed up to him when you first met him so you are fine with him.

For N, he was a bit unsure of you. He was confused by your presence in the mansion and furthermore, he was still confused by your too-friendly and optimistic attitude. Soon, he thought about what you were gonna do to him.

As for Six....I don't know how to explain this but I guess he was disgusted by your presence in the mansion. He seemed rather disgusted when you met him. I mean..You're a human and he's a funny looking creature (Alex Kister confirmed he is not an alternate). Maybe you can change him with a bit of (Y/N) (L/N) touch.

After setting your stuff down, you decided to give the people you met earlier some of your goodie bags of cookies. Yeah that's right, guys. The treat giving continues. It's not Halloween yet but hey, it doesn't matter. You pulled out your goodie bags filled with some treats and walking towards the group of Alternates you met. They were talking about some shitty stuff you were oblivious of.

"Why would Gabriel bring in a human in our base? He despises those disgusting creatures!"

"I know Six. I mean..Does he really see that girl as special?"

"Well he surely can't see her as special. I mean..She's not one of us! She's a human! Not us! A human with a normal looking life that is. Or should I even call her life normal?"

"No! Because, she's a strange human. I mean, it looks like she isn't scared of EVERYTHING. Not even us and our boss!"

"Come on guys, it's not like the girl isn't gonna ruin our lives. She's awfully nice. She may be a little too hyperactive and optimistic, but she is really kind and innocent. We should at least be respectful to her, otherwise His Majesty is gonna take our heads off."


"GAH WHAT THE FU- oh. It's you.", Six said in a miserable tone as you tapped on his shoulder and holding a bunch of your goodie bags.

"Heyo, guys!"

"What do you want, human?", he asked you with a very harsh tone. "It's (Y/N), Six.", Stanley corrected him. "Whatever!", Six said.

"I want to give you all these bags of treats! As gifts. I know it looks stupid but I promise you those treats are tasty and delicious.", you said politely as you handed out the goodie bags out to Six, N, and Stanley.

"Eheh, seriously?", Six said with an irritable and confused look on his face as he narrowed his eyes at the bag. "Oh, I can take them back if you-"

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