Gabriel's Garden of Eden ♡ ✿❀

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Hello it's GabrielS1mp here. Little update on Mirth. This story is gonna go on a short hiatus. School is really starting to get under my skin and I need to take a step back to finish all of the schoolwork right now, cause I feel so stressed out by it at this moment and my motivation is definitely dipping downhill.

BUT that doesn't mean that I am gonna abandon this book because I absolutely love this story. I will continue it as soon as I am done with any stressful work. Idk when though so I hope you understand. But I promise you all 100% that I will continue this story when I'm done.

I appreciate those who are patient and those who have supported me and made my day a lot better. Love y'all, you're too nice

~First Person POV~

After a normal day at work, I wanted to go back again to where I wanna meet Gabriel and the others again. It has been about a day since I have spent time with them and I wanna do it again. They are really fun to be around and I wanna make them feel welcomed around me.

Yesterday was really fun, throwing a bunch of apple cores at each other and I got to talk with the beautiful Angel, Gabriel.

As I was walking to my car, I felt a hand on my shoulder, startling me. I turned around and saw a blonde haired girl wearing some sort of jacket with the letters 'BPS'. I wonder what that means.

"Um..Hello?", I greeted her hesitantly and with uncertainty. "Hello. Are here?", she asked me with a pause between the question. I slowly nodded my head, confused. "Yeah..Why?", I asked her.

"You have to be extremely careful around here. There's a lot of unknowns about this county that might hurt you.", she told me with seriousness in her voice and face.

"What do you mean the unknowns?", I asked her, a little concerned about the "unknowns".


"Sarah? Where are you? I need you to do me a favor.", a voice coming out of nowhere suddenly interrupted her and startled me. This girl, whose name I now know was Sarah, grabbed a radio from her pocket. "I'm coming, Adam. Just hold on for a second.", she said through the device.

"I don't have the time to explain it to you, but I don't want you to go through the same route as my brother when he encountered some dangerous creatures. They are what led to......his death..", she said to me with a long pause along with a sudden sad tone in her voice.

"Be careful here. Okay?", she said her final words to me before she ran off, probably doing her own business.

I stood there, surprised that someone would just straight up walked toward me and told me some strange advice that I might as well keep it to myself in case something bad happens.

I looked at the time in my phone. "CRAP!", I exclaimed, as I realized that I need to go to Gabriel's mansion so I ran to my car and zoomed my way to the neighborhood where the forest is at.

While I was walking through the forest trying to calm down from any anxiety and nervousness coming, I kept on thinking about what this girl, Sarah, said to me. The "creatures"? What does she mean by that? Is it the inconveniences?

Or is it the Alternates?

After what seemed like an eternity walking through the forest, I finally made it to the mansion. Gabriel stood in front of the gate and opened it.

"Welcome again, (Y/N).", he greeted me with that tender voice. I could just sigh at that..."Hello, Gabriel!", I greeted back as I waved at him in a cheerful manner, no longer thinking about the "unknowns" anymore now that Gabriel is here. I ran up to him and he walked me down to the mansion.

Mandela Catalogue: Mirth ♡Where stories live. Discover now